Old news

From January 2002. Sounds, frames, midis, links, and messed up profiles found

1/31/02 I fixed part of the menu that malfunctioned and changed the text at the bottom of this page. I also took away "new" from some of the sounds that have been up a few weeks.

1/30/02 Apparently not everyone has High Tower Text, so I added a few more choices to all the pages so it's not plain.

1/29/02 Changed all of the pages to the new text. I also uploaded the right profile of Unit 2 and fixed a sabatoged Kaji profile. I also added the first picture to Fan Art.

1/28/02 The new font is High Tower Text, it was that or Verdana. I have decided to keep all old news in Times New Roman for no real particular reason. As of now you the main page is the only one with the text, but you can expect it to spread to the others within a day or two. I added two more links to the Links section. Also, in my horror while testing new ways to present the website (I am commited to displaying a good website), it happened to be doing it with the profiles of the Evas, I glanced at the profile of Unit 2. Immediately I knew something was wrong. Upon further inspection I realized that the Eva profiles had been sabatoged. I repaired most except took unit 2's down for the time being because some of it I am not sure if it is true or not. Having at this moment just recieved a confession of the sabatoge, here is the tampered profile of unit 2 in its entirety:

The first “production model” Eva, Unit 02 was built and tested in Germany. Designed for mass-production, it differs from units 00 and 01 in a number of features, possessing one main optical lens, three sub-optical lenses, a toaster, two microwave ovens, four electric wave sensors, a petting zoo, a cutter knife and blue body fluid. The development of special equipment like the D-type environment suit implies that future Evas will conform to Unit 02’s standards.

For those who didn't notice, apparently Unit 2 includes toasters, microwaves, and a petting zoo. You should not expect this to occur again, from now on all previously typed items placed on the website will be checked for errors. I have been informed of a problem with some of the pictures and will fix it shortly. I also have recieved one whole fan art picture that will be placed on the site shortly. For now that's all.

1/26/02 I submitted this site to more link engines.

1/25/02 I added three more sounds again to the Sounds Page. The new font has also been narrowed down to a few choices.

1/24/02 I added three more sounds to the Sounds Page and I hope you enjoy them. I am thinking of seperating the Pen Pennys into their own part so the page isn't so big. I am currently looking into a change of font and some look rather promising.

1/23/02 It's not a big update but a good-sized one. I added sections to guide through the smaller sections. Mostly for organization, but also for an explanation on Pen Penny. I am also thinking of taking sound requests, so e-mail me if you want a sound up and I'll try getting it up.

1/22/02 Geez! I've gotten so many hits lately it's almost unbelievable. Well, I guess in order to keep bringing in the hits I've got to raise the quality of the site. I already have many things under consideration such as: posting up the sections that are blank on the menu, reorganizing parts of the site, making higher quality main images (lack of a better name), and I have also had requests to change the font (apparently Times New Roman isn't good enough for some of us, you know who you are). I noticed more votes in the poll, both no. I ask that a reason be included if not it doesn't really matter. Nothing else new tonight, but I will try to get working on the website. I still can't believe how many hits that is.

1/21/02 Added two new sounds to the Sound Page. I fixed some of the recent updates, the fan art page, and a sound. I also rearranged the update to "The Silent Salty Killers" in Pen Penny. I hope to do some rearrangements in the site sometime soon.

1/19/02 I modified the sound page a little so it now says how big each clip is. I added Anime Spider to the links page. I also added an update (yes, update) to Pen Penny and put up a fan art page, although it is currently empty.

1/18/02 My link was accepted at Animenation. Yay.

1/17/02 Today I added the site for submission to link sections on Animenation and Animespider. They might be added, then again maybe not.

1/16/02 An error has been corrected with the sounds page and the touch and pen pen humming sound can be downloaded.

1/15/02 I added two Pen Pennys, yes two at once. That makes three this week! I also put the new and improved touch.wav in the Sounds section. It now only takes up about 1 megabyte. That's all for now.

1/14/02 I put up a new main graphic, post what you think of it in the forum, it will probably only be up until February anyway. I added a new sound in, guess what, Sounds of Pen Pen humming. I was able to get it to a better quality than the "touch" sound so that has been removed for the time being but should be replaced soon. For tommorrow you can probably expect another Pen Penny, yes this close together.

1/12/02 I finally got the entrance up, what do you think? Make your opinion heard by VOTING at the new poll that's up. I added a forum, for no real reason, but it's there. I am going to start a fan art section so anyone who wants to send me non-traced pics may do so by e-mail. Please include what you would like by your pic(s) example: name and e-mail address, or whatever. I removed the chat room for multiple reasons. I also added a Pen Penny although I don't think it is my best work, it is still pretty good.

1/11/02 I was going to do things and add a Pen Penny, but I am too tired, maybe I can do it tommorrow. I already have most of it figured out. I also hope to begin adding other things soon. Oh, by the way, the December Old News is now complete. I may make a new poll tommorrow too.

1/9/02 A problem reported with the frames, nothing big, multiple frames would continue to pop up but it's fixed now. I am thinking of trying to submit the site to link pages, but I'll have to check the rules first.

1/7/02 I made some new main graphics but I am not sure if they are better than what I already have. I may or may not change the main graphic soon, and I might make an entrance page.

1/6/02 I added a Midis section.

1/5/02 I was told that the link to the links section wasn't working on the main page and they were right. Now, I know what I did wrong but don't know why instead of saying Links it said Pen Penny.

1/3/02 Finally put up the Links section. All that's in it currently though is Animenation.

1/1/02 Not much of an update this time. Just fixing up the frames. Oh yeah, the counter reset, yet again, it was up to over 80 the first time it was over 40 so I am going to put +120 something under the counter. 14 updates for the month of December, best yet, and I hope to see more of it.
