Old news

From July 2002. Reviews, a fan fic guide is formed, the Episode Guide is finished just before release of Death and Rebirth, and Angelfire shrinks the free accounts.

7/31/02 I'm really pissed off my Death and Rebirth hasn't come yet. So all I've got today is an Other Review, today it is of Blue Seed.

7/29/02 I did it. To be perfectly honest for a little while I doubted I would get the episode guide done before Death and Rebirth was released. I made and put up the Brief and Extended summaries for Episode 24, Episode 25, and Episode 26. I'm really worried that I won't get Death and Rebirth tomorrow because I preordered it. Until next time.

7/28/02 Today I made and put up the Brief and Extended summaries for Episode 21, Episode 22, and Episode 23. After being up for a bit I took down the old entrance and put up a new one. It's simple but not bad. I also know that I haven't made a new one for the actual pages but hey all I've got is Paint. Since it has a neat little text thing if you missed it you can pop-up the entrance here. I'll try to get the next three episodes up tomorrow in accordance with the release of Death and Rebirth on Tuesday. No promises.

7/26/02 Today the only summary I did today was the Brief and Extended summaries for Episode 20. It took a good two and a half hours so be grateful.

7/25/02 I only did the Brief and Extended summaries for Episode 19 today. I've spent most of my time lately hoping that since I ordered it online I will get Death and Rebirth on Tuesday.

7/24/02 Today I made and put up the Brief and Extended summaries for Episode 16, Episode 17, and Episode 18.

7/23/02 Today I made and put up the Brief and Extended summaries for Episode 13, Episode 14, and Episode 15.

7/22/02 In Eva news, the same thing that conducted the greatest anime of all time did a poll over 100 greatest anime characters. Rei came in at 36 and Shinji came in at 77. Also, the first review of Death and Rebirth has been posted here. It's not really a review but just tells about what they are and the special features on the disc. It also says that Manga altered Rebirth so it is exactly the same as the End of Eva opening (they were originally somewhat different). This has not been confirmed or denied by any other source. In site related news, after it was long overdue I made a new poll asking what type of fan fic you prefer. I also put up the Brief and Extended summaries for Episode 12.

7/21/02 I know, I know. After that big statement of me going to go through the episode summaries I don't have one the next day. Well, I don't have much of anything else either except that I added a term to the Fan Fic Guide.

7/20/02 Well, just to let you know over the next week or so I will be focusing on the episode guide so it's complete when Death and Rebirth comes out on the 30th. I've been looking into the possibility of getting a dotcom (no promises) and I have been taking a look at different menus I could use. However, both would require a major overhaul so I'm not sure what I'll do yet.

7/17/02 I put up a Pen Penny. I moved some to Previous Pennys. You can vote for the Takoball 2002 Evangelion Fan Fic awards here. Well, tomorrow is my birthday, I don't really see how that is relevant but decided to mention it anyway. That is all for now.

7/16/02 I added a vote button on the menu and entrance page to Anime Top Sites. I added two terms to the Fan Fic Guide. I also added three links to Links.

7/13/02 Well, today's update isn't really worth mentioning. I added another term to Fan Fic Guide. Aren't you just overjoyed?

7/12/02 First off, I would like to make it clear to any administrators that I am in no way disrespecting Angelfire, just expressing my contempt at their recent actions. I know they can do it and did, but since you could easily take this down I just wanted to clear that up. Anyway, not much I just added a description to June in Old News.

7/11/02 I am angry. I mean really angry. I was originally going to add 40 or so images tonight but now I can't. All accounts were shrunk by more than half. Since I am over what it shrunk to I can't add anymore images. I would add an e-mail to complain and put it up here, but after searching their site it doesn't seem to have one. After a helpful link sent to me I have the main companies page and here is a link to a feedback page. Please complain about this and specify Angelfire. The way I see it, these humble websites give entertainment (or at least I hope) and by this act they limit what can be done. Please it doesn't take much time to fill out and it would do them good to know that they can't do cruel things without negative feedback. I don't know how many other webmasters will ask this, but I am (I think it would help if you say things like never clicking on sponsors and such). I realize this fight is probably futile. After all Kensuke said, "Only an idiot fights when he knows he can't win." Well, I say, although I am not I have been called an idiot before. I will fight the good fight. Okay, I know I am being slightly over-dramatic (only a fraction right?) but when your'e this pissed off most others would just rant unintelligibly. I don't know if administrators will see this and take it off or something. I hope not, but I can't just hold my tongue. I was going to do other things but this just pisses me off too much. Sorry about that.

7/10/02 Well, first off, I finished moving all of June to Old News although I have yet to add a description. I modified the review of Trigun to reflect the whole series in Other Reviews. I moved some to Previous Pennys. I also added a Pen Penny, although if you don't know what a lemon is (not the citrus) consult the Fan Fic Guide real quick.

7/9/02 I added another 35 images in the Image Section spread throughout the Shinji, Kensuke, Misato, Toji, and Group sections. This puts the image count over 600.

7/8/02 I uploaded the Brief and Extended summaries for Episode 11.

7/6/02 I added another review to Other Reviews.

7/5/02 I added yet another term to Fan Fic Guide. I also got the Trigun series on DVD and after I have watched it all, I will change the review accordingly.

7/3/02 Another review to Other Reviews. Happy 4th.

7/2/02 I put up 9 new midis to the Midi Section. I also added another term to the Fan Fic Guide.

7/1/02 Mostly just odd and ends today. I moved most of June to Old News. I added something with terms that are usually used to describe fan fics, a type of Fan Fic Guide. It will not be placed on the menu and will only be accessible through the Fan Fics section. I also added an image that was overlooked to the Image Section in the Group section. That's all for today.
