Old news

From June 2002. DVD details with a new scroll bar and several episode summaries. Organize and add to Other Reviews.

6/30/02 For the end of the month I have added two Pen Pennys to Pen Penny, although one of them you will need reference to some Previous Pennys which include: No, I Will Not Pardon Your "French", Scientific Society, Krafting America, What I Really, Really Want, Trusting the French, and The Silent Salty Killer. Without having read these you may be at a loss. I also moved a Pen Penny to Previous Pennys.

6/29/02 I actually uploaded the Brief and Extended summaries for Episode 10 yesterday, but just didn't post it here, sorry. Today I put up 40 images, which can be found in Images Section over the characters (in order from most new images to least): Shinji, Misato, Kensuke, Ritsuko, and Rei.

6/27/02 Sorry about the recent lax, I hope to get into gear again soon, but that is not today. I received my premium collector's box to hold my Eva DVDs, have a look (click to enlarge):

Not bad, eh? Till later.

6/25/02 Not much of an update. I moved some of the Pen Pennys to Previous Pennys.

6/24/02 After ignoring this site over the weekend I return with a fairly good update. First, I added 47 images to the Images Section, which makes over 500 different images.They are spread over the Shinji, Misato, Toji, Kensuke, and Misc sections. I finished changing all the scrollbars to the new look. I added a review in Other Anime Reviews. I also managed to add a Pen Penny.

6/20/02 I added the Brief and Extended summaries for Episode 9.

6/19/02 Firstly, I added the Brief and Extended summaries for Episode 8. I organized the Other Anime Reviews Section. Plus, I went through a majority of the pages and added the new scrollbar. I'll try to finish those up in the next few days.

6/18/02 I added the Brief and Extended summaries for Episode 7. I also organized the extended section. In addition I added three, yes THREE, reviews to Other Anime Reviews. The three are: Excel Saga Volume 1, Metropolis, and Trigun Volume 1.

6/17/02 I added the Brief and Extended summaries for Episode 6. Since the Old News for May completed I added a small description of what happened that month. Also, if you haven't noticed, I changed the scrollbar. Like it? For now it is just on the main page and the menu. I wish to add them to other pages soon.

6/15/02 I archived the rest of the May updates to Old News.

6/14/02 I moved some Pen Pennys to Previous Pennys.

6/12/02 At long last, an actual update. I added the Brief and Extended summaries for Episode 5. I also added a new Pen Penny. Although, in order to understand it, I reccomend you read the moderately old Pen Penny Dining With Cannibals.

6/11/02 I was at Right Stuf and noticed that the poll of who's your favorite anime critter is still up. I figured, well I guess I'll vote for Pen Pen again it has been some time. I vote and in the percentages it says Pen Pen has zero votes! I know for a fact that I, and at least two others voted for Pen Pen. This vexes me.

6/7/02 Although when I posted this their website was having some problems, check out Animeondvd.com's results to an Eva contest, the results were recently put up. They had to come up with a story with 8 pictures from Eva and the winner is quite funny.

6/4/02 Congrats to Hideaki Anno, the director of Eva, who recently married.

6/3/02 Well the release date of Death & Rebirth has been made official, July 30th for VHS subtitled, VHS dubbed, and DVD hybrid of both. The DVD will be a two-sided disc with the following special features: audio commentary by dubbing director and voice of Rei Ayanami (Amanda Winn Lee); commentary by Taliesin Jaffe & Jason C. Lee; an exclusive "Mokuji (contents) Interactive" feature that will allow the viewer to select on-screen Eva terms, character descriptions, and other info while viewing; in-depth index of characters, angels, Evas and terms; a photo gallery; Japanese trailers; letterbox presentation; 5.1 Dolby Surround Sound; Manga previews; web links; manga fan club; English and Japanese stereo; subtitles; and a preview of End of Evangelion. I can't wait. Also, all of the original dubbing actors will reprise their roles on the dubbed version. I also added Princess Mononoke to Other Anime Reviews.

6/2/02 I moved some old Pen Pennys to Previous Pennys.

6/1/02 I moved most of updates from May into Old News.
