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For those who don't know, Evangelion is a television series and two movies originating from Japan. This site is a dedication to it. Many Eva sites are going into an auto-pilot mode, but this site will not. This site will continue to update and gradually will expand into other anime, although Eva will always be the primary focus. The Pen Thoughts (Pen Penny) section is the most unique feature of this website as it is a collection of random thoughts and I know that when I pluralize it the correct spelling would dictate pennies. However I prefer leaving it "pennys," oh and scroll down and VOTE in the Poll. The forum is up again, on your left, and until I find a better one I will NOT post in the forum unless explicitly said in Recent. So ANY new things posted by "Webmaster" will not be by me and be by some joking fool. The reason is because someone kept putting that I would close the site, which I am not. The new menu may cut off the bottom of the menu depending on your computer. Since fixing this now would be a giant task, and since I'm planning on getting a dotcom in a few months, I'll just leave it for now; and to reach them you can click on Features if you can't get to it from the page you're on.

7/26/08 Added a Pen Thought to the Pen Penny section. I didn't add one to the Previous section yet, but I'll get to it at some point.

6/29/08 Added a Pen Thought to the Pen Penny section.

6/8/08 Added a Pen Thought to the Pen Penny section today for some reason.

3/19/08 Today I added two Pen Thoughts to the Pen Penny section. You can find them where you'd expect, with the others in the Pen Penny section and I moved two to Previous Penny as well.

1/18/08 Today I bring you a "lost" Pen Thought. I wrote it sometime last year but for some reason or another never put it up. It's based on a commercial that I can't seem to find on Youtube or anything, that mentions breast cancer but then talks about how heart disease is more deadly. You can find it with the other Pen Penny and I moved one to Previous Penny.

1/12/08 I posted a Pen Penny today that I meant to post a little while ago. Whoops. I also ended up moving four old ones to Previous Penny section as I had neglected to do so for some time.

11/4/07 Like old Halloween candy, I posted a late themed Pen Penny. And much to everyone's shock, there will be another sometime this week, methinks.

9/26/07 I posted a Pen Penny today. So, hooray for that.

3/6/07 I posted a Pen Penny today.

1/31/07 I posted a Pen Penny today. Huzzah.

1/18/07 I posted two Pen Pennys today. One was written a little while ago but belatedly posting it.

9/13/06 Wow, it's been a while since I updated. Today actually marks the fifth year this site has been up, and for the past two years I've really been phoning it in. Sorry. I always planned to revamp, and even almost finished the coding, but then my computer died and that killed that momentum. Anyways, of note, Gainax will be releasing four new animated Evangelion movies. The first two will essentially be a retelling of the story while the third and fourth installments will be entirely new and continue somehow past the series. So yea, that ought to be interesting.

4/20/06 Two days in a row? Sh-sh-sh-SHOCK! I have another new Pen Thought in the Pen Penny section. So yea, check it out, yo. It's going to start a new wave, guaranteed, kind of.

4/19/06 Soooooooo, it's been a good while. Yeaaaa, I felt it best now that the prison's sentence is over and I no longer have to pretend to be dead now that Palmer's been assassinated that I return triumphantly... for the umpteenth time. I go into it slightly more in the first BRAND new Pen Penny in quite a long time.

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This website was created on the first anniversary of SECOND IMPACT. Neon Genesis Evangelion is copyright of Gainax. Using content of, or relating to, Neon Genesis Evangelion for profit is prohibited.