Old news

From March 2002. Anniversary and other things happened.

3/31/02 To explain the background, it's a few minutes away from April Fools Day where I am. It isn't yet so all this is true. I added another Pen Penny and moved one to Previous Pennys. I added a another Mp3 in the Mp3 Page 2. I added a link to Anime on DVD in Links. Also, for a buying explanation for the perfect collection and the different prices by Anime on DVD.

3/30/02 Uploaded two more Mp3s and put them on the second Mp3 Page 2.

3/29/02 Last night I put up another Mp3, but my computer messed up and I did not put it here. The Mp3 are here.

3/27/02 I made and uploaded eleven sounds. Go to the Sound Page

3/26/02 I added three more mp3s to the Mp3 section. I submitted my site to link at Anime Alliance and added a place where you can Rate my site at Anime Alliance. I also added Anime Alliance to Links.

3/25/02 I added another Pen Penny today.

3/23/02 I got back from Planet Comicon, which was good. I met Adam West, and the person who plays Aurra Sing in Star Wars. There was a pretty good amount of anime there, although about half was all "adult," which was disappointing. Relating to the website I added another mp3 in the Mp3 section.

3/21/02 I put up two more mp3s in Mp3 section. I also made and uploaded three more sounds to the Sound Page.

3/20/02 I put up two more Pen Penny things. I took the "6 months" off of the main graphic because I thought it ruined the image. I also added a third mp3 to Mp3s.

3/19/02 As I said I might, I added a second mp3. Wow. Check it out if you'd like here. I also added the fourth episode to Episode Summaries.

3/18/02 The Mp3 section is back up! Except it pitifully only has one currently! Who knows, maybe I'll put up a second one tomorrow! In other news, in my never-ending quest for Eva merchandise I found an Eva typing game for Playstation 2. Apparently, Shinji and the others need your help, by typing well. Business at it's finest.

3/17/02 I submitted my site to Anime 405. You will be able to find a link there in the Links Section.

3/16/02 I got back from the KC Comicon earlier today. It was decent. I picked up some nice Eva merchandise I've been meaning to get. I also hope to go to a bigger one next week. Adam West will be there!

3/14/02 I added a new Pen Penny.

3/13/02 Anniversary! Did you get me something? Too bad. I brought a new image page Image Page 12 and another Episode Summary. Oh, it's not Eva but still. FOX bought the rights for Dragonball Z and is reportedly going to make a Live Action Movie!

3/12/02 Tommorrow is the sixth month anniversary, but I wouldn't expect too much. I added the longest Pen Penny ever! This moved one to Previous Pennys. Due to problems with the music they are temporarily down. I will have to reupload them which is a pain on my slow computer. Although I will get to work on it. That's all, for now (evil laugh).

3/10/02 As you can see I changed the main graphic once again. I did it for one to help celebrate six months and two the other one sucked. I also took the time to add yet another, yes it's true, image page. This makes Images Page 11. Well for now that's all.

3/9/02 I uploaded more images and made a tenth image page here. I also added home buttons to all of the image pages. Oh, I linked to biganime.com which means another annoying image on the entrance page.

3/8/02 I linked an explanation to the +120 by the counter to the old news showing why. I also put up new images in Images Page 9 after a long wait and it being "under construction" for quite some time.

3/7/02 I organized the Episode Summary section a bit so it's easier to read. I also moved one of the Pen Pennys to Previous Pennys. That's all for now.

3/6/02 Today I added the second episode to the Episode Summary section. It has both brief and extended versions. It is about four times the size of the first episode, either I was slacking off or there were more important details. I may go back and make the first summary more detailed. The section will probably be reorganized due to it's size. This update will complete the Old News for the month of February. I also hope to add more images within the week.

3/5/02 With a new update comes gifts. A new Pen Penny is up moving one to Previous Penny.

3/1/02 I changed the image to coincide with March. I moved most of February updates to Old News. A metal collector's box will be released, limited to two thousand to hold your Eva DVDs. They come out a $50 a piece.
