Old news

From May 2002. Lots of images are put up, the Fan Fic(s) section starts out, new fan arts, reorganization of Previous Pennys, and a comparison between the regular and remastered Eva DVD disc 1 is made.

5/30/02 I added a Pen Penny today.

5/29/02 In a Japanese show where viewers voted for the top 100 anime shows of all time Eva ranked in at 77.

5/28/02 I added a review of Akira Other Reviews.

5/25/02 Important!! Right Stuf has put up a poll asking what your favorite anime critter is. There have been over 3000 votes and I was sadly the first vote for Pen Pen. Act quickly! Go and vote for Pen Pen! In site related news, I know I have been slacking off a bit lately but have plans for the near future.

5/24/02 For those who ordered it the Premium Metal Box to hold the Eva DVDs is being released on the 30th of this month. The 3 new shirts will be released in June.

5/21/02 After getting crowded I organized the Previous Penny section for easier access.

5/17/02 I fixed some minor errors with the site and uploaded a Pen Penny. Also, Right Stuf is now taking pre-order for some new Eva shirts.

5/16/02 It's 2:45 AM, I just got back from a midnight showing of Star Wars Episode II. Why are you reading this? Go see it NOW!

I uploaded another sound to Sounds and some more images to Images.

5/14/02 After many months, the entrance page has been changed. I altered the picture of Shinji and Misato kissing a bit to get the lighting a little different. If you missed it Check it out here. I added the second to Other Anime Reviews with Ninja Resurrection. I also added a few random images to Images.

5/13/02 Happy to say, I recieved and posted two new fan arts in Fan Art. Also, despite my better judgement I put the Forum back up until I find a better one. This time to prevent any jokers from posting lies I left a note above saying I will not post in the forum unless said so in Recent.

5/12/02 Not much, just finished Old News for April.

5/10/02 I added a Pen Penny.

5/8/02 A large update of 80 images to Images.

5/7/02 I received my Remastered Eva DVD and the cardboard box holder, which I am pleased to say Pen Pen is on. Just below are the covers and backs of both DVDs.



Here are some pics comparing the regular and remastered (Original is on the left and Remastered is on the right):

Well, there you have it.

5/6/02 I put up a Dragonball fan fic in Fan Fics, don't know why the "s" is on there right now. Check it out.

5/5/02 I added a Fan Fic section, but it is currently empty.

5/3/02 What the crap? First of all I did update yesterday, but apparently it did not save it. I added a link to Links. I also made another Pen Penny. I improved a sound at Sounds. Today, I improved some of the Old News sections, and moved several Pen Pennys to Previous Pennys.

5/1/02 For those who ordered their Eva boxes from Right Stuf, they now have handy instructions to assemble your box. Since, it is the beginning of a new month most of the updates from April has been moved to Old News. I also added more than 40 images to Images. I suppose I should say happy May Day.
