Old news

From October 2001. Sections arise out of dust. The first images, sounds, and Pen Pennys are added.

10/29/01 Nothing big today, just put old news under features.

10/28/01 Finally got the images up I promised. I'll try to get profiles up by the end of the week.

10/25/01 No updates today, tommorrow I plan to update about 30 more images and hope to get the character profiles up as well.

10/24/01 The new release dates for Death & Rebirth is April 30, 2002 and the movie July 30, 2002. Find more at my update in Pen Pen for your thoughts. I also added a high and low quality of the same sound above the poll to let you have better info before you vote. Later.

10/23/01 I have a dilemma, I can make and upload as many sounds as I want, but they will not be as high a quality as the ones up and currently have no means to make them so. That is the topic of the new poll, choose wisely. I will get a sample of both qualities up soon.

10/21/01 I don't like the internet sometimes, and I get the feeling it's mutual. When I preview it shows Angelfire, then I go to the cjb.net and it doesn't work out. From now on I am just going to work on it from the "Angelfire perspective" and if you go to the other click on the home button and it should take you to the angelfire. Nothing else really.

10/18/01 Well... what can I say I got lazy for a little while. Added the first for Pen Pen for your thoughts . Doesn't feel right so I may edit it tomorrow. I'll try to get more stuff up soon since I finished the series. Oh yes, for those of you who care the counter magically reset itself, I may take it down.

10/13/01 One month!! Wow, it's already been a month since this grew out of the primeordeal soup of webpages. I re-shaped the nav. bar for easier access. I also added a new section. I hope to be on later today and add more to the site. Until then!

10/9/01 Updated more images last night and some sounds. The sounds aren't much right now, but I hope to get around to it soon.

10/8/01 Early morning again. I uploaded some of my images. I will try to upload more as the week goes on.

10/7/01 Early morning here in central U.S. I have now updated the website, a tad. Tommorrow, I hope to do much more

10/2/01 I have returned, but alas without an update. *sigh* I hope to upload a large portion of the site over the weekend.
