Other Reviews

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Akira: Special Edition DVD

Directed by: Katsuhiro Otomo

Akira has been called "the greatest anime film ever" and "you cannot call yourself an anime fan if you have not seen Akira," of course it came out in 1988. In the film set in the future friends Tetsuo and Kaneda's motorcycle gang encounter a military retrieval of an experimental subject. Tetsuo is captured and experimented on to release dormant psychic powers. Tetsuo's powers get out of control and he escapes wreaking havoc and "fulfilling" a prophecy.

The DVD features an Akira production report, Akira sound clip, an interview with Katsuhiro Otomo, thousands of production stills, over 100 stills of an Akira glossary, original teasers, trailers, and interviews with restoration staff. The movie is digitally re-mastered with new dialogue. There is also a special feature that allows you to see the translation of the various graffiti.

Final Verdict: Although I must admit my opinion may have been skewed by the hype I did not find this movie that good. Some parts were okay but the majority did not live up to the hype.
