Other Reviews

This section will feature reviews and short descriptions of other anime series and movies. I will try not to give too much of spoilers for them. Back to Other Reviews Main

Bio Hunter: Special Edition

Directed by: Yuzo Sato

Koshigaya and Komada are professors at a university. However, in their free time they are bio hunters, trying to stop something dubbed the "Demon virus." This virus takes control of the hosts' genetic structure and can quickly alter it. The professors have found a way to eliminate the virus in its individual hosts. One advantage they have is Komada is able to detect when someone infected is near. However, he also is infected with the virus. He is somehow able to control the virus and change at will. Although he fears he is losing control. With a string of murders that they believe is related to the virus Komada meets a young woman named Sayaki Murakami who they think might be involved.

The DVD features trailers, a web-link, and original storyboards that let you jump to the scene in the movie. With the web-link it says if you answer a question you get bonus things on the website. The answer is: MIKAWA, it says to type in all caps; and it has about 15 or so character sketches.

Final Verdict: Bio Hunter wasn't a bad movie. It had some good action sequences and character development. There was some nudity and a pretty good amount of violence along with it. All in all it'd really depend on if you don't mind the nudity and violence and just want a good story with a few turns, even if they can be foreseen a bit. The whole website features is somewhat of a hassle though.
