Other Reviews

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Blood: The Last Vampire

Directed by: Hiroyuki Kitakubo

Saya is the last known original vampire and in the employ to hunt down other vampires. At the Yokota base in Japan, vampires have infiltrated the facility. Saya is dispatched to take them out before they spread.

The DVD has previews, original Japanese trailers, a photo gallery, and The Making of Blood, a twenty-minute feature of interviews with the creators.

Final Verdict: Blood delivers some action, not a whole lot of character development and some blood, although not the most ever. Blood is one of the first anime to be done entirely digital and has some nice looking scenes and seams together obvious CGI with traditional looking anime very well. The story seems somewhat lacking and more like the first episode of a series than a self-contained film. Another odd feature is that it seems the track is mixed with Japanese and English audio as some Japanese is spoken but it is mostly English, although it may be how it was originally done.
