Other Reviews

This section will feature reviews and short descriptions of other anime series and movies. I will try not to give too much of spoilers for them. Back to Other Reviews Main

Blue Seed Beyond (Blue Seed 2)

Directed by: Jun Kamiya

A scientist in San Francisco has found a way to create Neo-Aragami without the power of Susanoo. Two years have passed since Susanoo fell into a slumber and the members of the Terrestrial Administration Center are called together once again to take out this threat. A mysterious new woman named Valencia shows up and has the power of the Mitama just like Kusanagi. Momiji is afraid that she may take Kusanagi away from her.

The DVD features the all three episodes of the OVA, a clean opening, an Omake Theater, and previews.

Final Verdict: In all reality the story is finished in the first two episodes and the third is basically a fan service episode, with monkeys. All of the voice cast returns, except for the two main characters, Momiji and Kusanagi. In the dub version, new people voice both, which is rather annoying. The Omake Theater included isn't really that funny and just seems to be an end to the story. For some reason they didn't dub it also. The conclusion is nothing spectacular but puts a nice ending to the series and ends some questions as to what happens to the characters.
