Other Reviews

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Blue Seed

Directed by: Jun Kamiya

This 26 episode series depicts that monsters known as the Aragami have been in Japan for thousands of years. The blood of one line, the Kushinada, kept them dormant. If the Kushinada dies then the Aragami also die. When the line is split with the birth of twins the power falters allowing the Aragami to awake. At the beginning of the series the older sister Kaede disappears. The TAC, a special organization, takes the other sister Momiji into their care. While fighting the Aragami they encounter a strange person called Kusanagi who is to protect the Kushinada. Mysteries form as they encounter the Aragami and try to figure out what the Aragami are planning.

The DVD features are spread over the four discs in the Perfect Collection. Each DVD includes character biographies and ADV previews. Each disc also has a varied amount of Omake Theaters. There are a total of 13 Omake Theaters. The Perfect Collection also includes textless opening animation and original trailers.

Final Verdict: I found that Blue Seed is, overall, an entertaining series. There are some pretty funny parts. Sometimes it gets a little bit strange but it decently explains it (there are some Japanese myths involved). It has a good amount of action and other tender moments. The Omakes vary on how funny they are. They range from good to just awkward.
