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Burn Up Excess Volume 1

Directed by: Shinichiro Kimura

Team Warrior helps protect the people of Tokyo when they are contracted by the police department to do so. Rio is a member of the team who is usually broke and also a member of the police who rarely does her work. Maki is the commander of the team. Maya seems to be in love with weapons and destruction. Nanvel is into gadgets and inventions. Lilica is their computer operator. Yuji, the only male member, generally operates vehicles for the team. They stop many crimes, but unbeknownst to them a single person who always gets away masterminds them all.

The DVD features contain the first four episodes. It also has a trailer for the show, ADV previews, a clean opening, a clean ending, and production sketches with notes translated into English. It also features a jiggle counter (trademark, seriously). It gives a count of how many 'jiggles' the female characters' large chests make.

Final Verdict: Burn Up Excess is a decent series, which will appeal to those who like fan service. There is a pretty good amount of humor in the mix as well with some silly parts. The action sequences are fairly good and the plot is rather interesting despite some predictability.
