Other Reviews

This section will feature reviews and short descriptions of other anime series and movies. I will try not to give too much of spoilers for them. Back to Other Reviews Main

Doomed Megalopolis

Directed by: Koichi Chigira

Doomed Megalopolis is set in Tokyo during the first decades of the 20th century. An evil demon named Kato wishes to destroy Tokyo. Kato wishes at first wishes to wake the guardian of Tokyo, Masakato, and use him to destroy the city. He uses the innocent Yukari in an attempt to produce a powerful offspring that could be used to his advantage. Different people gather in an attempt to thwart the evil Kato's plans.

For a two-disc set the features are pretty slim. It has all four parts of the show, which are about 45 minutes each. There is only an English dub track and no subtitle option at all. The only real feature is some previews.

Final Verdict: This has everything; from giant manta rays, to earthquakes, to the ground being a dragon, to a twisted brother sister relationship, to mystical spells, and so on. It is pretty twisted and weird at times, although if you're sick in the head some of it is a little funny. There's some nudity and a little bloodshed here and there with a pretty decent if deranged storyline to go with it.
