Other Reviews

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Dragon Half

Directed by:

Mink's mother is a dragon and father is a knight making her part dragon and part human. She has horns and a tail. At times she is able to fly with wings that are able to retract and she can also breathe fire. She has a crush on Dick Saucer, a singer and dragon slayer. The king wants to marry Mink's mother and the king's daughter, Vina, is also in love with Dick Saucer. Mink wants to become human because she doesn't want Dick Saucer to be turned away because of her dragon features.

The DVD contains the two episodes, previews and a clean closing.

Final Verdict: Dragon Half is pretty funny and silly. The animation often is in the "deformed" style, which makes it funnier and sillier. There are only two episodes, I don't know why, because it just ends and the plot hasn't been resolved at all, which disappoints me.
