Other Reviews

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Ninja Scroll

Directed by: Quint Lancaster

A village mysteriously dies and a group of ninjas are sent to investigate. They encounter skilled warriors with special techniques. Jubei Kibagami is a ninja mercenary who encounters one of the eight devils of Kimon, after which he becomes involved. Kagero is supposed to investigate what is going on for her clan, while Dakuan is a government spy sent to stop a plot to overthrow the rulers of Japan. The three have a common goal to find out what's going on and to stop it.

The DVD features profiles in the form of a guide to Ninja Scroll, Manga trailers, Manga fan club trailer which is a bunch of still advertisements, and a theatrical trailer.

Final Verdict: Ninja Scroll was a fairly good movie; it is somewhat violent and contains nudity. It has good fight sequences, interesting enemies and an involving storyline.
