Other Reviews

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Perfect Blue

Directed by: Satoshi Kon

Mima is a singer in the group CHAM, but wants to become a serious actress. She quits the group to pursue here career and gets a role in a drama series. She begins going to a website called Mima's Room in which someone claiming to be here writes a diary. The entries are specific and Mima begins to become paranoid. She begins slipping away from reality as several people around her are attacked.

The DVD features CHAM, which has two of the songs from the movie. It also has several interviews; with the English voice actress of Mima, the English voice actress of Rumi, the English voice actor of Mr. Me-mania, the Japanese voice actress for Mima, and the original director. It also has a photo gallery and ads for Manga titles.

Final Verdict: Perfect Blue is an excellent movie with lots of twists and turns that will keep you guessing. It has some nudity and violence, but they fit into the plot well. The quick pace and uncertainty of which parts are and aren't imagined make this movie very entertaining.
