Other Reviews

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Plastic Little

Directed by: Satoshi Urushihara

Guizel plans to use gravity belts of the colony as a weapon and Elysse's father dies while allowing Elysse to escape in hopes of somehow stopping Guizel's evil plan. She meets up with Tita, a pet shop hunter and captain of the ship the Cha Cha Maru. Tita helps Elysse escape from some guards, which gets her involved, which then involves her crew who together try to thwart Guizel.

The DVD contains a single 45-minute show along with a trailer for the show, sketches and storyboards, and previews. It also contains a jiggle counter, which shows the number of "jiggles" of the female characters' chest area.

Final Verdict: The story is decent with a standard destroy everything villain. For a 45-minute show a fairly large amount of nudity is packed into it. The action scenes aren't anything special and there are some decent comedic parts. It gets a little strange when the ship takes on a huge navy and fights pretty well. The characters aren't bad with some goof offs and a nice interaction between Elysse and Tita.
