Other Reviews

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Sakura Diaries Volume 1

Directed by: (I never saw a plain director in the opening or closing credits)

Touma Inaba takes several college exams in Tokyo and fails every one of them. At one of them he meets Mieko Yotsuba, whom he quickly falls for. However, Mieko only likes college guys therefore leading to Touma lying. Although he does try telling the truth she refuses to believe it. It is unsure whether or not Mieko is genuine or just pulling his leg. Meanwhile, Urara Kasuga is in love with Touma and has been for sometime. She tries to get him to notice her and hopes he comes around to feeling the same way about her.

The DVD features are nonexistent with only some previews and some website only content. It contains the first three episodes.

Special: Other Info: Kenji provided this information and I decided to put it up just because. I may do this every once and a while, it will provide some information about the show/movie that is interesting:

"Sakura Diaries was written by the man known as U-Jin, the notorious hentai writer/artist. As far as H-writers are concerned, U-Jin is the best. His stories have realistic emotions and tend to end rather sadly. In truth, SD is a lite hentai (this is apparent only in the uncut versions, available only in full-series boxsets, not in individual tapes) that seems more concerned with the emotional aspect than the H aspect. This may actually be a turning point that may bring about lite hentai titles that are not quite so farfetched/ridiculous/unbelievable/stupid."

Final Verdict: I'm not much of a romantic comedy person, and I knew this before renting it. After searching for something that was in I just took this and decided to give it a try. For the first 'romantic comedy' type anime I've seen it wasn't too bad. I didn't really like it a whole lot though, because as I said I'm not a romantic comedy person. However, a fair amount of the comedy was pulled off successfully. The plot was okay if not a little strange. Also, for those who like it there was a fair amount of an service. Since this is the only volume I saw to rent and I don't really think it'd be worth buying, this will probably stay a one-volume review.
