Other Reviews

This section will feature reviews and short descriptions of other anime series and movies. I will try not to give too much of spoilers for them. Back to Other Reviews Main


Directed by:

In 2070 in the city of Freeport, Colonel Blade and the HARDCORPS team is investigating recent kidnappings of young girls. The kidnapper turns out to be a monster, or more accurately a human whose body has been altered by a drug. Sinclaire of SinTEK Industries is manufacturing these drugs in an attempt for revenge after what was done to her father, a genetics genius that was declared crazy.

The DVD contains previews, character profiles, behind the scenes interviews, movie portfolio, and the movie trailer.

Final Verdict: Based on the video game, Sin uses both CGI and traditional anime to give the film its look. There's lots of action and strange monster creature things that they fight. The film had a fairly good pace and character development. There are a few lighthearted parts and quite a few killings. The movie was good but nothing ground shaking. Although it says it's in a city called Freeport, I'm sure I see the silhouette of the Statue of Liberty at one point.
