Other Reviews

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Vampire Hunter D: Special Edition

Directed by: Toyoo Ashida

It is around 10,000 years in the future and demons and mutants run rampant. There are also vampires among them who try and rule over people. There are also vampire hunters, one of which is D. In a town, a young woman named Doris is bitten by a vampire and hires D to kill the one who bit her in order to become normal. D is a dampiel, which means he is a hybrid between a human and a vampire.

The DVD features some trailers, an image gallery, a making of featurette, and a preview for a Vampire Hunter D game for Playstation.

Final Verdict: Vampire Hunter D was a decent movie. It had some good action scenes and an interesting character in D who tries to fight his vampire side. There is some blood and guts here and there with some nudity as well.
