Other Reviews

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Virus Volume 1

Directed by: Masami Obari

The first DVD contains 4 episodes. In 2097, in Neo-Hong Kong, the world is under an assault. Viruses attack and take over powerful weapons such as the armored gears and people, via implants in people's brains. There emerges a new type of virus even more dangerous than before. Twinell is an organization to oppose it and Stand is a branch of Twinell to stop the viruses. The members of Stand use variable gear body suits to defeat them. Serge emerges during a fight and goes after Raven, the Captain of Stand. Serge later joins Stand after talking with Raven.

The DVD features character design boards, mecha design boards, STAND files which are biographies, previews for Virus, and Manga previews.

Final Verdict: Although I only got Virus because my End of Eva disc was messed up and I sent it back to the company and got this free in compensation for my trouble (it didn't come with art on the DVD case), it is an intriguing series. There are many questions that come out of the little tidbits of information and the whole of what exactly is going on isn't yet realized. Some strange things add to the questions, while none are answered. If you get into it the story pulls you in rather well.
