Other Reviews

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Wild Arms Volume 1

Directed by: Itsuro Kawasaki

Sheyenne Rainstorm, a gunman, has somehow been placed into a child's body. Sheyenne is one of the few people capable of using special guns called ARMS. Sheyenne teams up with a scientist named Kiel and a small creature named Isaac on a journey to find his real body. Along the way they continuously run into two female thieves named Loretta and Mirabelle along with their female creature named Jerusha. They are always after treasure and don't get along well with Sheyenne, Kiel, and Isaac.

The DVD has five episodes, a clean opening and closing, outtakes, model sheets, a Japanese DVD preview, and previews.

Final Verdict: For a reason I can't even identify, I don't like this series. I'm not exactly sure what it is that makes me dislike it. It has some gunfights and some comedy, but nothing really sticks out making it stand out as a good series. Based on a video game, the world isn't explained too thoroughly at this point in the series and that mystery is the only real reason I'd want to watch any more of the series.
