Other Reviews

This section will feature reviews and short descriptions of other anime series and movies. I will try not to give too much of spoilers for them. Back to Other Reviews Main


Directed by: Rintaro

The fate of the world rests in the hands of Kamui. There are seven Dragons of Heaven that wish to save Tokyo and humanity, while the seven Dragons of Earth wish to save the planet by destroying humanity. There are seven power shields in Tokyo and once all seven are destroyed humanity will perish. Kamui holds the destiny and the choice of which side to join. However with either side his "twin star" is destined to join the opposite side and oppose him. Kamui only wants to protect his loved ones that he vowed to protect.

The DVD features profiles in the form of Tarot cards, a photo gallery, and a written interview with the director, a theatrical trailer, and Manga previews.

Final Verdict: X is a good movie, be warned there is some nudity and a fair amount of violence. There are several battles and good action sequences with lots of destruction. It is not just action sequences though as Kamui has to decide who to fight for.
