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X Volumes 1-4

Directed by: Yoshiaki Kawajiri

There are seven Dragons of Heaven, know as the Seven Seals, which wish to save humanity from destruction. The Dragons of Earth, known as the Seven Angels, wish to destroy humanity to save the earth from further degradation. Kamui is the key to it all. He will decide which side to join. However, there will be an opposing Kamui, which will face him and conversely join the opposing force. After returning to Tokyo, Kamui met his old friends Kotori and Fuma, although he doesn't seem to want anything to do with them. He wants the Divine Sword, and doesn't plan on getting involved in any of the others matters. The Seven Dragons of Heaven gather, as both they and the Seven Dragons of Earth want Kamui to join their side.

The DVD features contain four episodes, however they are episodes 0-3. The DVD also contains a character guide, giving some details on each of the main characters. It also has a trailer for episode 0 and other Pioneer previews. The second DVD contains 3 episodes, an interview with director Yoshiaki Kawajiri, and previews. The third DVD contains 3 episodes, a textless opening, and previews. The fourth DVD contains 3 episodes, textless ending and previews. All of the DVDs also come with reversible covers.

Final Verdict: Based on the manga of the same name, X is very good. Although a movie was also made, it condensed most side stories and the ending was made even though the original author of the story didn't know how he would end it, because he wasn't finished. It's proven to be very good. Unlike in the movie X, Kamui is a much darker character starting out. The characters are developing very well and hopefully will continue to. The bonus episode 0 is a great start and introduces the whole concept of the story.
