Other Reviews

This section will feature reviews and short descriptions of other anime series and movies. I will try not to give too much of spoilers for them. Back to Other Reviews Main

Zone of the Enders: Dolores, i Volume 1

Directed by: Tetsuya Watanabe

James Links is an Earthling who ships goods from place to place in space. He wants to reconcile with his family after they have gone through some problems. Then he discovers the Orbital Frame Dolores in his cargo ship and different forces begin to chase him. The powerful robot has advanced A.I. and seems to be a link to his long lost and thought dead wife. When someone kills in an attempt to get Dolores, James is blamed, and his family is unfairly implicated as well. They try to figure out what's going on and prove their innocence with no real knowledge of what's going on.

The DVD features five episodes, a clean opening and closing, production sketches, conceptual artwork, an ADR session with Mitsuru Miyamoto (Leon) and Narumi Hidaka (Noel), and previews.

Final Verdict: Following the OVA, Dolores starts out well. There is a larger difference between the dub and sub than most titles, however it is not to the extent of being abominable. The series starts out well and has a fair amount of comedy. The action scenes have been mostly limited to this point but have looked nice so far.
