Other Reviews

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Zone of the Enders: Idolo

Directed by: Tetsuya Watanabe

In the year 2167, Mars has been colonized and is oppressed and controlled by Earth. Many in the Martian Army wish to gain independence from Earth. A secretive project is started to create a mecha to mass-produce and gain independence. The test mecha is called Idolo and Second Lieutenant Radium Lavans is transferred to test pilot this machine using technology not fully understood.

The DVD features a single stand-alone feature, interviews with the director, chief character designer, a character designer, and a mecha designer, a Zone of the Enders timeline, production sketches, and previews.

Final Verdict: Although Zone of the Enders universe is originally a video game series, one does not need to have played the games to enjoy this standalone story. It is a very good self-contained story that does not directly involve itself in the Zone of the Enders TV series. It sets up the universe it takes place in with great mecha action scenes and develops the characters well in the time allotted.
