
These are the descriptions of the Angels from the dvds. I will descriptions of their death and add photos to make it look better and less boring. Click on one of the names or scroll down. Click Here for Images of the Angels



In the year 2000, Adam appeared in the Antarctic. Seen only as a mysterious shape in a poorly developed photograph, the first Angel bears an uncanny resemblance to the Evangelion units. Contrary to the official story taught in schools, the Second Impact was caused, not by a meteor striking the Earth, but by the explosion of this Angel during an investigation by a UN team.


What remains of the Second Angel can be found nailed to a cross in an underground vault beneath NERV. A mask decorated with Seele’s coat of arms representing the seven eyes of Jehovah covers her face. She is the magnet and eventual goal of all Angel attacks. Lilith provides the material from which all Evangelion units are created.

Third Angel Sachiel

Appearing with all the devastation of divine wrath in the year 2015, Sachiel is the messenger of destruction. Hundreds of feet tall, the horrific monstrosity lumbers through the evacuated streets of Tokyo 3 to assault NERV’s subterranean headquarters with suspicious accuracy. Brilliant beams of energy burst from the creature’s outstretched palm decimating everything in its path.

Fourth Angel Shamshel

With each successive Angel, the danger to mankind takes a new form. Evolving, adapting, learning from each battle, the next Angel will always be deadlier than his predecessors. Shamsel is no exception. Hugging the ground as it approaches, the Angel rears upright in combat. Its twin luminous tentacles lash out with irresistible force, effortlessly shearing away stone and steel.

Fifth Angel Ramiel

A mobile fortress with a spore gun that attempted to invade the geo-front with a shielded drill from its lower body. It was stopped by EVA 01, which shot it with a nuclear positron-rifle in a long distance sniper attack. (Episodes 5 & 6)

Sixth Angel Gaghiel

A submarine style Angel that attacked the United Nations Pacific fleet wile it was transferring EVA Unit 02 form Germany (Episode 8).

Seventh Angel Israphel

Originally spotted in the Kii peninsula, this Angel could separate and re-unite its body. Acting on Kaji’s advice, Misato created a plan to counter it, and it was destroyed by the synchronized attack of EVAs 01 and 02 (Episode 9).

Eighth Angel Sandalphon

Hatched from a chrysalis that was found in a lava pool on Mount Asama. It is similar in form to the ancient creature Anomalocaris and can swim through magma at high speed (Episode 10).

Ninth Angel Matriel

This angel looks like a huge spider. It tried to melt Tokyo-3’s armor with a corrosive liquid, but was destroyed by EVA 00’s pellet gun (Episode 11).

Tenth Angel Sahaqiel

This Angel suddenly appeared over the Indian Ocean. It tried to attack by taking advantage of its unique body structure and mass, by falling towards it’s target a high speed under the protection of it’s A.T. Field, But it was destroyed bye EVAs 00, 01 and 02 (Episode 12).

Eleventh Angel Ireul

Ireul, the eleventh Angel, was composed of nano-machines, each the size of a virus. It invaded Melchior, of the three Magi supercomputers that control NERV Headquarters, and initiated self-destruct sequence. Utilizing notes left by her mother, Ritsuko was able to reverse the process and stop the Angel.

Twelfth Angel Leliel

The Twelfth Angel appeared in the sky over Tokyo-3 with no warning. It subsequently enveloped Shinji and Unit 01, cutting them off from the outside world. Spheroid in shape, this Angel was only seen by its shadow. It generated an inverted AT Field that created a Sea of Dirac, an area of space describable only by abstract mathematics. Ritsuko theorized that this space might be connected to another universe. It was destroyed by a unilateral action of Eva Unit 01.

Thirteenth Angel Bardiel

During activation tests of Eva Unit 03, Bardiel attacked and took control of the Eva from NERV and its pilot. Subsequently, Eva Unit 03 became listed as the Thirteenth Angel and the remaining Eva Units were dispatched to destroy it. After Shinji refused to engage the rouge Eva with its human pilot, Commander Ikari ordered that control of Eva Unit 01 be given to the Magi. Despite Shinji’s resistance, Bardiel is destroyed, but at what cost to the Fourth Child?

Fourteenth Angel Zeruel

The Fourteenth Angel made a direct attack on NERV Headquarters in an effort to reach what lies buried beneath it. Although Asuka and Rei both sortied immediately, the Angel made short work of them with its monofilament ribbons. It was not until a berserk and out of control Unit 01 appeared that the newest and deadliest Angel was defeated.

Fifteenth Angel Arael

The Fifteenth Angel appeared in orbit, outside the range of most conventional weapons. It employed psychic attack against Unit 02 and its pilot, Asuka, but was finally destroyed by Rei’s use of the Lance of Longinus.

Sixteenth Angel Armisael

Appearing in the skies over Tokyo-3 as a coruscating ring of energy, the Sixteenth Angel was faced by Rei in Unit 00. When the Angel contracted around her began invading Eva, Rei engaged Unit 00’s self-destruct system, destroying both the Angel, and, unfortunately, herself.

Seventeenth Angel Tabris

The last Angel took the form of a human boy, Kaworu Nagisa, the Fifth Child. Unlike previous Angels, Tabris did not attack immediately. Instead, he spent time with Shinji examining what it means to be human. In the end, however, Shinji was forced to destroy the Angel in order to save humanity.
