
These are the basics to Evangelion. I will add opinions and pictures later. Click on a name or just scroll down.



Natural creatures of unknown origin pursuing a mysterious objective in Tokyo-3. The Angels’ attitude cannot be regarded as fundamentally hostile given that they never attack first.


The name of the synthetic bio-mechanical machine created from NERV’s genetic research carries out on the remains of the first Angel which was recovered from Antarctica. Mysterious in nature, they are protected by heavy armor and a force field called an “Absolute Terror Field” (A.T. Field).


Globe of an unknown origin located under the city of Hakone and on top of which rests Tokyo-3. The Geofront, with a diameter of over 10 kilometers, holds numerous secrets within. Installed 600 meters in the depths under NERV HQ, the exact composition of which is unknown.

Umbilical Cable

The cable supplying the Eva with energy, connecting to its back. If the cable is cut, the Eva has less than 5 minutes of auxiliary energy at its disposal. This time period is reduced to approximately one minute when the unit is operating at maximum capacity.


The red sphere, common to all Angels. Koa initially seem to be the Angel’s only known weak point but the continuation of events reveals a very different role. They are the center of the A.T. Field, and are supposed to constitute the infinite energy reserves of the Angels.


After the destruction of Tokyo at the time of the Second Impact, Tokyo-2 was established in the Nagano Prefecture. The construction of Tokyo-3, a fortress city, first occurred in 2005 when the burrowing enterprises at Hakone (a vacation spot next to Lake Ashino, at the base of Mount Fuji) revealed the existence of the Geofront. Tokyo-3 is a city where there is a mixture of residential buildings and diverse installations for the maintenance of Evangelions, notably an impressive number of exit openings. In a dangerous situation, the residential buildings descend to shelters in the ground some hundreds of meters deep. The civilians are then transferred into the shelters. The transfer of the capital from Tokyo-2 to Tokyo-3 came into effect in 2016.

A.T. Field (Absolute Terror Field)

A force field generated by the Koa of the Angels which effectively blocks almost any form of attack. Only with a beam of power over 180 gigawatts or the involvement of an Eva can it be hoped to penetrate the field.

Nerv 02

NERV’s Second Branch was located in the Nevada desert. While installing an experimental S2 engine in Eva Unit 04, the entire facility, along with the Eva unit and all personnel, simply vanished. Speculation is that a flaw or miscalculation during the installation of the new engine initiated a Sea of Dirac, similar to the one generated by the Twelfth Angel, which swallowed the site.
