
These are the character biographies from the DVDs. I currently have no opinions of the characters up but hope to do so in the future. I also will add photos to make it look better and less boring. Click on one of the names to take you to a specific character or just scroll down.



Pen-Pen is an Erect-Crested penguin with enhanced intelligence, genetically adapted for warm water activity. He lives with Misato in a specially designed refrigerator complete with a light that stays on when the door is closed. Pen-Pen has a habit of drinking beer with his meals, a predilection that may have been learned from his owner. One always has the feeling that Pen-Pen knows more about the Angels and what’s going on than any penguin has a right to know.
Click Here for Images of Pen Pen

Shinji Ikari

As the fourteen-year-old son of the most powerful man in the world, Shinji Ikari is a boy lost in loneliness. His mother’s death and de facto abandonment have left him emotionally uncertain, insecure, and frightened of himself and his world. This is the Messiah of the Gospel for the New Age; this is the pilot of Eva 01.
Click Here for Images of Shinji

Misato Katsuragi

Misato Katsuragi wages a private war on doubt and terror. In the awful confusion of the battle against the Angels, she is NERV’s unsung weapon. It is her courage, her sense of duty, and ultimately her humanity that holds together the battered minds and souls that defend Mankind.
Click Here for Images of Misato

Rei Ayanami

Enigmatic, isolated and yet strangely gentle. Rei Ayanami is the product of one man’s struggle to govern the evolution of his species. Rei embraces his cause, and the man, as the validation for her existence. But the knowledge that she is a substitute for some thing, or some one, whispers to her from the void of her missing soul. She is the First Child, the future incarnate.
Click Here for Images of Rei

Asuka Langley Sohryu

Asuka Langley Sohryu is a troubled girl whose flaming red hair is a sign of her burning anger. But her explosive emotional character masks an internal fragility. The ghosts of her past haunt her, driving her from the silence of memory into the raging turmoil of the present. With Eva 02, she fights to quiet the voices.
Click Here for Images of Asuka

Young Asuka

Asuka Langley Sohryu did not have the happiest of childhoods. While she was still young, her mother was institutionalized after the stress of working with the Evangelions caused her to lose touch with reality. After her mother’s suicide, Asuka was raised by a grandmother who instructed her to never cry, creating the hard, brash Asuka who became an Eva pilot.

Gendou Ikari

Gendou Ikari is one man at war with God. His heart is a vacuum inhospitable to the humanity he methodically drives from those around him. Divine judgment is at hand, and the visionary Ikari will not rest until man is no longer subject to Sacred Law. NERV is the club in his raised fist.
Click Here for Images of Gendou

Kouzou Fuyutsuki

A taciturn man, gruff but not uncaring, Fuyutsuki has the unenviable job of NERV’s second in command. As Commander Ikari’s direct subordinate, he carries the responsibility of defense against the Angels. His knowledge of the Evangelion units’ secret purpose allows him to remain calm and unflappable even in the midst of an attack.
Click Here for Images of Fuyutsuki

Ritsuko Akagi

Maintaining the façade of a cold and clinical scientist, Ritsuko Akagi seeks to compartmentalize, classify and dismiss the emotions that frighten her and threaten to shatter her self-image. As the daughter of a brilliant scientist, Ritsuko vies with the ghost of her mother in a never-ending battle, a battle she cannot win and will never confess.
Click Here for Images of Ritsuko

Ryoji Kaji

He doesn’t belong to any single organization, and works to serve his own ends. However, he has an unquenchable thirst for the truth. He respects and honors those who are willing to fight for their own futures. Where is the truth that he’s looking for? And, when he finally finds it, will his thirst for answers be sated at last.
Click Here for Images of Kaji

Toji Suzuhara

Because his little sister was severely injured during the fight against the Third Angel, Toji is initially hostile to Shinji and the Evangelions. However, after he witnesses the turmoil that Shinji goes through while piloting, they become close friends. Brash and self-confident, Toji would be a perfect match for Second Child Asuka if they didn’t hate each other so much. It is hard to say who is most surprised when Toji was determined to be the Fourth Child.
Click Here for Images of Toji

Kensuke Aida

From giant mecha combat to daring covert operations, the imagination of Kensuke Aida is a playground like no other. To the outside world though, he’s an average boy, perhaps a bit more perceptive than his classmates, but simply average. With the dramatic arrival of the Angels, the outside world begins to look a lot more like Kensuke’s dreams, and piloting an Eva becomes the boy’s one desire.
Click Here for Images of Kensuke

Maya Abuki

As Ritsuko’s right-hand man, Maya is responsible for much of the monitoring of the Eva units during testing and combat. Although not quite as quick on a keyboard as her boss, she is nevertheless a computer expert in her own right. While quiet, she has definite opinions and is capable of holding her own.
Click Here for Images of Maya

Hikari Horaki

Hikari is a bright, intelligent girl in the same school class as the Evangelion pilots. Despite her bossy nature and self-assurance as Class Representative, she is shy and uncertain when it comes to dealing with Toji, on whom she has a crush. After Asuka’s arrival in Tokyo-3, they become close friends and routinely gang up on Shinji, Toji and Kensuke, whom they call the “Three Stooges”.
Click Here for Images of Hikari

Makoto Hyuga

One of the three operators responsible for monitoring and tracking the Eva units during operations, Hyuga is a little on the nerdy side. When not busy, he’s apt to be found reading manga. Hyuga appears to have something of a thing for Misato, but unfortunately for him, while she appreciates his abilities in the control room, the feeling is not mutual.
Click Here for Images of Hyuga

Shigeru Aoba

Aoba is the third of the Nerv control room operators. Easy going and laid back, not much fazes him. In his spare time, he enjoys playing the guitar. He would seem to be the most well-adjusted of all the NERV personnel.
Click Here for Images of Aoba

Yui Ikari

Shinji’s mother, Yui Ikari was a brilliant scientist, and a key member of the Evangelion development team until her unexplained disappearance during one of the first activation tests. While a college undergraduate, she was one of Fuyutsuki’s students, interestingly, “Ikari” is her family name. When she married Gendou Rokubungi, he assumed the last name of “Ikari” as well.

Naoko Akagi

A computer genius, Ritsuko’s mother Naoko Akagi was responsible for the design and programming of the Magi supercomputers that control NERV, and they were imprinted with her personality. She is supposed to have told her daughter that each of the computers is imbued with a different aspect of herself: as a scientist; as a mother; and as a woman. Although brilliant, Naoko had a very disturbed personality and died tragically.
