Pen Pen's Evangelion

A Pen Pen for your Thoughts

This section will just be for, basically random thoughts and feelings. Since my thought process is mostly random you can probably expect this to be updated frequently. Back to Previous Pennys. Back to Pen Penny.

A Purpose?! Ha!

What is the purpose of this website? Why has the Webmaster taken the time out of his busy (no really) schedule to work on this rotten website? What is this Pen Penny about? Will I be able make it long enough by adding extra, unfunny text? After that cheesy setup that will likely dictate the rest of the paragraph I will answer these, at least partially (it would be best for you to turn back now). Well, that goes among the great mysteries of life (okay, maybe "great" was a little much). Countless hours have been spent on this website and there isn't a whole lot to show for it. The purpose? Well, every site has a motto and this site's motto is…okay, maybe it doesn't have a motto. This mottoless site's purpose was really because I couldn't find all the stuff I wanted from Eva anywhere, so I attempted to make and put up what I couldn't find (I haven't succeeded too well, have I). Why have I taken the time to do this? Well, the easy answer is that I have no life (which is only partly true). Truthfully, this Pen Penny originally had a purpose but was lost at some point along the formation of this Pen Penny. And, yes.

What will be in this site's future? Will its Pen Pennys (I know its spelled wrong) continue to be unfunny and stupid? How much longer can this utterly horrible excuse for a Pen Penny continue? To answer: not exactly sure, probably, and as long as I can drag it out. At one point in time I would like this site to be one of the best Eva websites (or at least an okay one). This will probably never happen unless most other Eva websites suddenly shut down. What will happen to this section? Well, through most of June this section was ignored, but there is new hope for it. I recently started using a notebook that I write ideas down that I would normally either forget or decide is not good enough and then I use those to form a Pen Penny. For example, for this one some of the things I wrote down were: why work on, notebook, and rabid hamster on steroids; you figure that one out. Normally, for every Pen Penny put up there is one or two that are dismissed as bad, given up on, or partially written and then abandoned (lucky for you). With this helpful, handy notebook many more Pen Pennys will be uploaded. If everything works out this means there will be nearly twice as much crap put up. On second thought maybe I shouldn't have written that.

Okay, enough questions of me asking myself something to which you obviously don't care about the answers. Why do I keep insulting my own website? Why did I type another question? Why…wait, damn it, not again. Fine, I'll admit it this was all a pitiful setup to try to make you more interested in the site, or something like that. I don't remember really. I realize how futile that attempt is. Boy, this Pen Penny is really crap. Well, I warned you in the previous paragraph that this would happen. Damn you notebook! Okay, I still like the notebook; I couldn't stay angry with that cute little cover. He is a good notebook and his name is Memo. Or at least that's what is printed on the cover. I should probably apologize for this rambling unfunny text that is just used as a buffer to make the Pen Penny look longer than it actually is (I did say I would do that too). I believe I'm being a wee bit too honest this time. This site will continue on its current course, with bad updates and mediocre Pen Pennys. Like a rabid hamster on steroids, it is tough, strong, pissed off, and will remain small for the time being until it grows to massive proportions when given enough steroids. You didn't think that I could work in that hamster thing, did you? -6/30/02
