Pen Pen's Evangelion

A Pen Pen for your Thoughts

This section will just be for, basically random thoughts and feelings. Since my thought process is mostly random you can probably expect this to be updated frequently. Back to Previous Pennys. Back to Pen Penny.

A Quiz

Someone e-mailed a quiz to me so I filled it out and sent it back. It is below:

---------HAVE YOU EVER------------------

* Ever been so drunk you blacked out: there was this squirrel I chased around once, but I wasn't drunk or blacked out

* Missed school B/coz it was raining: one time I missed school WHEN it was raining when I was escaping the clowns that are after me

* Put a body part on fire for amusement: daily

* Been hurt emotionally: my Teddy Bear once attacked me

* Kept a secret from everyone: I have bodies buried in my back yard...oops

* Had an imaginary friend: I don't care what you say he's not imaginary

* Cried during a Movie: Yes, when I ran out of Cheez Wiz

* Had a crush on a teacher: I once crushed a teacher

* Ever thought an animated character was hot?: my psychologist says I shouldn't talk about it

* Been on stage: I thought life was a stage

* Cut your hair: with a chainsaw


* Shampoo: Febreeze

* Soap: Febreeze

* Color: Red

* Day/Night: Febreeze

* Summer/Winter: in winter it's too hard to dig

* Fave Cartoon Character: that one requires deep thought

* Fave Food: chicken and people

* Fave Movie: Star Wars

*Fave Ice Cream: People Flavored Chocolate

*Fave Subject: of what?

* Fave 'normal' Drink: is blood considered normal, if not Drain-O

----------------RIGHT NOW------------------

* Wearing: a rabbit costume

* Hair: on fire

* Eating: Joe's right arm

* Drinking: Joe's blood

*Thinking about: whether or not anyone will notice Joe is missing

* Listening to: the screams of others

* Talking to: myself

---------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS------------------

* Cried: no

* Met someone new: personality number 32

* Cleaned your room: I live in a box, and I didn't clean it

* Done laundry: who's laundry?

---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN------------------

* Yourself: like... I exist? no, I am a figment of my imagination

* Santa Claus: I am Santa Clause

* Tooth Fairy: who doesn't

* Destiny/Fate: I think Destiny's Child is all a fabrication

* Angels: well, they're on that Angel show so how can you doubt it

* Ghosts: Since there's Ghostbusters there's obviously ghosts

* UFO's: everything flying can be identified as that "thing"

-----------------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------

* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: I didn't know I could own one

* Like anyone?: myself

* Who's the loudest: personality no: 3

* Who's the shyest: personality no: 15

* Who's the weirdest: all of them

* Who do you go to for advice?: personality no: 26

* Who do you cry to?: ?? I don't understand

* When you cried the most: when I got a booboo

* What's the best feeling in the world?: filling out pointless quizzes

* Worst feeling: accidentally eating your finger

*Who sent this 2u: a Puchuu

* Do you want all your friends to do this and send it back to you: no, never. -12/20/02
