Pen Pen's Evangelion

A Pen Pen for your Thoughts

This section will just be for, basically random thoughts and feelings. Since my thought process is mostly random you can probably expect this to be updated frequently. Back to Previous Pennys. Back to Pen Penny.

A Survey

Believe it or not I was sent another quiz type thing, although from a different person.

Q: 1. Full name:
A: Ivan the Terrible

Q: 2. Were you named after anyone?
A: Not that I know of.

Q: 3. Do you wish on stars?
A: Only when I have a bet on one and they're losing the race.

Q: 4. Which finger is your favorite?
A: My other fingers were upset of my favoring a finger so they rebelled and killed it. I don't like to talk about it.

Q: 5. When did you last cry?
A: I'm crying now

Q: 6. If you were making a movie about yourself, what would the title be?
A: Psycho… oh wait they already made that… what about Insane Person

Q: 7. Do you like your handwriting?
A: Yes, but sadly it does not return my feelings.

Q: 8. Who do you admire?
A: Myself, for my greatness.

Q: 9. What is the #1 priority in your life?
A: Filling out surveys.

Q: 10. What is your favorite lunch meat?
A: ... Does something of my own making count?

Q: 11. Any bad habits?
A: Yes, I have a bad rabbit.

Q: 12. What's your most embarrassing CD in your collection?
A: Well, one time a CD was talking about another CD and didn't realize that it was right next to him.

Q: 13. If you were another person, would you be friends WITH you?
A: More likely a victim.

Q: 14. Are you a daredevil?
A: I'm a dareangel.

Q: 15. Have you ever told a secret you swore not to tell?
A: Nobody tells me secrets.

Q: 16. Have you ever stolen anything?
A: Only the hearts of countless young maidens.

Q: 17. Do looks matter?
A: Are you calling me ugly?

Q: 18. Have you ever mis-used a swear and it sounded absolutely stupid?
A: I'm not exactly sure it can be done.

Q: Do you think there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?
A: Of course.

Q: 20. Do fish have feelings?
A: They certainly feel it if you electrify their aquarium.

Q: 21. Are you trendy?
A: No, I usually catch on to trends after they've passed and purposely do this to annoy everyone.

Q: 22. What do you do to release anger?
A: You don't want to know.

Q: 23. What's the one thing you wish the most?
A: That I did the thing that one time with that one thing.

Q: 24. What are you looking forward to the most in life?
A: I usually look forward in front of me.

Q: 25. Where is your second home?
A: My cardboard box by the sea.

Q: 26. Do you trust others easily?
A: Only if I know they will soon meet an "accident."

Q: 27. What was your favorite toy as a child?
A: My cardboard box by the sea.

Q: 28. What class in school do you think is totally useless?
A: Your favorite.

Q: 29. Do you like sappy love songs?
A: I don't think anyone would say they like "sappy" love songs, they may say they like love songs though. No.

Q: 30. Have you ever been on the radio or television?
A: Only as the police are looking for…

Q: 32. What's your favorite thing in the world?
A: Sappy love songs.

Q: 33. Do you like sarcasm?
A: Shall I answer sarcastically?

Q: 34. Have you ever been in a mosh pit?
A: Like a fruit? Does a mosh have pits? Sort of like a cherry? Well, I did have that dream one time…

Q: 34. Do you ever want to be in a most pit?
A: What is a most pit? I don't understand.

Q: 35. What's your favorite song?
A: Sappy love song by A Sappy Band

Q: 37. What is your nickname?
A: Hannibal

Q: 38. What's your biggest regret?
A: I didn't know my regrets were tangible, so I'm not sure. I'll have to look at them.

Q: 39. Would you ever bungee jump?
A: Only on the moon.

Q: 40. Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off?
A: My shoes have the Velcro thing.

Q: 41. What are you worried about right now?
A: That one day I'll meet a magical dog who talks and no one will believe me.

Q: 42. Do you ever wear overalls?
A: Who doesn't?

Q: 43. Do you think you are strong? physically, emotionally, intellectually?
A: Physically: The strongest in the world. Emotionally: Is psychotic strong? Intellectually: The strongest in the world.

Q: 44. What's your favorite ice cream flavor?
A: Water.

Q: 45. What's your favorite color?
A: Oil shale.

Q: 46. What's your least favorite thing in the world?
A: Being stabbed with a fork, and a dirty fork at that.

Q: 47. How many teeth do you have?
A: More than I can count.

Q: 48. Do you have anything pierced?
A: Only my heart by a wooden stake.

Q: 49. Who is most likely to respond to this first?
A: No one.

Q: 50. Who are the people you care the most about?
A: My invisible friend Harry. -1/9/03
