Pen Pen's Evangelion

A Pen Pen for your Thoughts

This section will just be for, basically random thoughts and feelings. Since my thought process is mostly random you can probably expect this to be updated frequently. Back to Previous Pennys. Back to Pen Penny.

Another Fine Meal

While on my search for new cuisine and my interest in raising different types of insects as a way to become more socially active in the person-insect raising community I stumbled upon a humble little website. This website was Now, now, I know what you're thinking, what's an eatbug? Is it poisonous or commonplace? I must first clear up: there is no such thing as an eatbug, as far as I know anyways. This website is about the raising and consumption of bugs. Now, I may not be the best one to speak on the issue of what is deemed a good culinary habit but… ewwwww (insert gagging noise here).

Okay, we shouldn't judge people without hearing their argument, let them defend their position. After a very disgusting introduction that makes me afraid to ever eat bread, vegetables, or have apple cider ever again. He finally gets to making an argument: "Many species of insects are lower in fat, higher in protein, and have a better feed to meat ratio than beef, lamb, pork, or chicken." Wow, that makes the eating of insects so much fun now that I know the nutritional value. Man, now it makes sense, after all everyone eats healthily despite whatever the dish may be.

"Insects are tasty. Really! Even if you are too squeamish to have them as a main dish, you can make insect flour and add it to bread and other dishes for an added protein boost." If you were too squeamish for them as a main dish why would you want it for any dish? They're insects, which is just blech and yuck. "Insects are easy to raise. There is no manure forking. No hay bale lifting. No veterinary bills. You can raise them in an apartment without getting complaints." Wow, now that's advantageous! Now if only I had a farm to get rid of. I'd be so happy not having any animals to sell to the market for money and end up starving… no, wait! I'd have my insects to feed my whole family on. And no one would mind me bringing a colony of insects into an apartment complex at all; they'd probably support me by showering me with gifts of insect feed and their own insects.

"Also, as far as I know, no animal rights activists object to the eating of insects." Oh, really? We'll see about that. Ha! I wonder how hard you looked, if at all (dramatic chord). Repeat that after going here: "The Insect Rights Association was formed to educate the public on the value and importance of bugs, and to demonstrate alternative ways of living with them." Back to the disgusting website, "The only real problem you may run into while utilizing insect protein is the lack of social acceptance." I had no idea that people didn't socially accept those who eat insects. I should feel ashamed for my complete lack of perspective on this matter. After all, I could also be considered a social outcast and should therefore be more accepting of others and their unique, disgusting, but unique ways of life… but I've already put all this effort into writing this, and actually would be one of the ones not accepting them so, no.

There are some other notes and facts listed, and that's just the main page. Look this site has even won awards… hey, I don't have any awards and this site has four. This is an outrage. How does a page about eating bugs get so many awards? What's wrong with you people? There is also an about the author page included as well. Apparently the creator is female, much to my surprise, and started the consumption of insects at the tender age of 13. There are some links, information on books, FAQ, information on raising crickets and mealworms, and some recipes. The recipes include: mealworm chocolate chip cookies, chocolate covered crickets, and ant brood tacos. Darn, and I was hoping for a recipe mixing the delicious tastes of crickets and mealworms. How disappointing. After browsing through this small site that has several awards, my views about eating bugs has been changed. I used to have the uneducated view and considered it to really be quite disgusting. Now my view has changed, and become far more educated in the matter, so, in conclusion it is really quite disgusting to eat bugs for a hobby. -2/27/03
