Pen Pen's Evangelion

A Pen Pen for your Thoughts

This section will just be for, basically random thoughts and feelings. Since my thought process is mostly random you can probably expect this to be updated frequently. Back to Previous Pennys. Back to Pen Penny.


Recently, the first privately backed craft ever reached the virgin realm of space, previously free of such things, now, no longer. breaking a new barrier for the forces of business. A new frontier… for billionaires. Yes, which one can send the most privately backed people into space at once, who can do the most flights, who can do the most flights while having sex with the most amount of people. All these things will come rushing through the cracks now that the initial barrier has been penetrated. The tiny rocket was guided gently into the vacuum of space by a test pilot. The vessel encountered a few problems when reaching it‘s highest ascent, including some large vibrations and bangs due to a difference in the size of the nozzle as compared to the rest of the craft. The pilot yelled in climactic ecstasy after the vessel descended completely. Anyone pick up on that?

Microsoft billionaire Paul Allen is said to have contributed more than twenty million dollars to the program, obviously not enough of this went to the department in charge of naming the craft, giving the exciting and original name SpaceShipOne, to the…. spaceship. Fitting? Yes. Strange? Yes. Could a better name have been chosen? By a small child or perhaps even a parrot. No, definitely by a parrot. Come on, SpaceShipOne? It must have taken years to come up with that one, and during the several years it took to plan and build the craft, how come no one said anything about the name? Maybe the main contributor came up with it and no one had the heart to tell him it was stupid, or maybe it was the work of a guy who had lost that creative touch in naming things. Or maybe the designers lost a bet.

Why did they choose to omit all spaces in the name? Did they want to give a tribute to internet names? Will the next one be Space_Ship_T\/\/()? What’s wrong with these people? The real money must have gone into painting all those stars on the hull of the craft. What are these people thinking? Does anyone else think it looks rather silly? And also, “Yee-haw?” These were his words after emerging from the craft. We’ve gone from quoting Genesis, to “one small step for man,” and now we’ve back-tracked all the way to “yee-haw?” If this is what we get in what’s supposed to be the big memorable moment from the private industry, they might as well give the torch back to the government right now. Geez, couldn’t they have thought of some small speech, or I don’t know, some actual words?

Maybe the primal yell was meant as an ironic moment, juxtaposing such a primal thing next to the achievement of civilization, or maybe, they should’ve prompted the test pilot about what he would say when he came back. Perhaps some slack is necessary, perhaps he was more concerned with what his last words might be. Okay he shouldn‘t be cut any slack, after the flight he also said, “You can see the curvature of the Earth. I could see all the way out, way out past the islands off the coast of Los Angeles.” Well, imagine that, seeing that the Earth is round… FROM SPACE. Well, he’s a test pilot, maybe he’s crashed one to many times, and also fell on his head a lot, and maybe he’s also just stupid. - 6/27/04
