Pen Pen's Evangelion

A Pen Pen for your Thoughts

This section will just be for, basically random thoughts and feelings. Since my thought process is mostly random you can probably expect this to be updated frequently. Back to Previous Pennys. Back to Pen Penny.

Bargain Deals 2: Electric Boogaloo

While scouring a local dollar store for merchandise, I noticed an odd thing. It was a dog head. It wasn't an actual dog's head; it was just a stuffed animal dog head. I'm not sure who would want a dog head. Maybe they wish to mount it on their wall and say: look, a stuffed dog head, don't know why I got it. In an attempt to answer what purpose it served, I went to the website listed on the dog head's tag, no not a dog tag, a normal tag on a dog's head. It had no mention of these dog heads. Now, it was a pretty lousy site, worse than mine, and only sold things in bulk. Yet, no dog heads were listed. I did try looking around too, because these dog heads might have a special catchy name, like Special Dog Heads or something.

Now, after much thought, I've concluded that they were part of some accident in manufacturing and so, in an attempt to reconcile their losses; they would try to sell the dog heads. I'm pretty certain this person would have been fired some time later. Imagine the marketing problems the advertising department would have for stuffed dog heads, the fake kind. They had a little rope thing on the back. However, they couldn't be masks because they had no eyeholes and they ended flat, without room for a face. The string was also very small and unable to fit even a small child's head. Maybe, they're used in psychology classes to overcome fear of dogs, but I can't see someone mass marketing a product for that or see it ending up in a dollar store.

There were several different kinds of the dog heads, including a poodle. This could mean it's put on graves as a remembrance of sorts, hence the different types. Perhaps it was marketed towards cults of sorts that weren't mean enough to decapitate an actual dog, but still wanted a sort of eerie presence. This would probably still fail, unless it was very, very dark and therefore you could see an outline of a dog's head but not be able to tell its stuffed nature. In that case, I still think that's too specific a target group to end up having a product marketed to them. Maybe it's for young bullies who don't like dogs, or for malevolent cats that don't like dogs, or to make someone think you have a dog by you putting it up in your window every once and a while, although they'd probably have to need glasses in order to fall for it. If all of these groups were marketed together you might be able to scrape together enough to sell one hundred or so dog heads.

At this dollar product establishment there were also toy submarines of the Kursk. Now, the makers of this product had to be sick-minded. Maybe they made the product, and decided they needed a good name and they glanced something about a submarine in the newspaper and decided to use that. That might be a possibility. Although that's still rather irresponsible of these indecent and vile people. They should at least have read what the headline was about. Maybe they still think we're in the Cold War and sort of missed it's ending, and made it to gloat. It could have just been a practical joke not meant for mass production, but there was an error in some other department. Imagine what the people who put together the actual product were thinking as they made it.

There was also a series of books about the "buzz" on various subjects. One in particular was "dating" and another was "romance and seduction." Of course, I could write books and books on that particular subject. They'd be paper-thin books, but books non-the-less. Okay, more of a short pamphlet. Or maybe a small flyer of sorts. With large fonts, I could make several filled with information. Anyways, I glanced through the book, because I thought it strange of course, what reason did you think? The best comparison I can make is that it's like a science show for small children. Something like the Bill Nye of Seduction. Now, that I've emblazoned that disturbing picture on your minds, I'll leave you to ponder it. -6/20/03
