Pen Pen's Evangelion

A Pen Pen for your Thoughts

This section will just be for, basically random thoughts and feelings. Since my thought process is mostly random you can probably expect this to be updated frequently. Back to Previous Pennys. Back to Pen Penny.

Bashing Bashers

At long last another Star Wars movie is being released. What’s that? You didn’t like the last one, eh? Well, go f*** a monkey! You must now be thinking, how rude of him to say that to me. I may seem angry because I am a huge Star Wars fan, borderline obsessive, so don’t expect me to apologize. Now you think, oh that’s why you like it. Wrong, fool! As the new movie approaches many people have started talking about the previous one, in a not so kind manner. I ask these people why they don’t like it, and the responses vary. One of the large responses is that they don’t like the character Jar Jar Binks. Let me ask you, do you like every character in every movie you like? Would you embrace Commodus from Gladiator? Would you share a room with him? Another response is that they didn’t like the kids in the previous film. Well, who do you expect to play a young Anakin? A twenty year old!? If they don’t have a young Anakin he would just drop in the movie all of a sudden, suprising everyone, as a young man and be ready for training. Another point that was given in an article in Newsweek (that got my blood boiling) said that the plot was over a trade dispute, and said this isn’t NAFTA. If you cannot see the actual plot you should go back and watch it again. The whole movie was a scheme by Palpatine to become Chancellor. The trade dispute was just to enable this to happen. So Newsweek, you too can go f*** a monkey. Also, same to that guy who wrote that article whoever you are (I didn’t think his name was worth remembering). Some also say that the dialogue was dry and rusty. Who is making up this crap, James Cameron? Where was the dialogue dry? Are they referring to the fact they couldn’t understand what the Gungans were saying? In the Newsweek article the author said that they didn’t like the fact that the Jedi sat around in the Jedi Temple. Well what else are they going to do if I may ask? In a time of peace, sending Jedi out to resolve minor conflicts, are the Jedi going to be itching to fight? Are they going to go out and “cause trouble” and make conflicts to fight? The Jedi are peaceful, that’s what makes them Jedi. Listen, these are not the evil Sith these are the Jedi. You know the ones that do not crave battle and do not desire conflict. To simplify it, the good guys. Would you really like them better “Mr. Authority on Star Wars” if they went out and killed people or started wars? Well, you might Mr. Author, but most wouldn’t. If all you crave is action go pop in one of those action-no-plot movies that you probably adore so much. Enjoy all your fighting and explosions elsewhere, we don’t serve your kind here. –5/2/02
