Pen Pen's Evangelion

A Pen Pen for your Thoughts

This section will just be for, basically random thoughts and feelings. Since my thought process is mostly random you can probably expect this to be updated frequently. Back to Previous Pennys. Back to Pen Penny.

Brain Jelly

First of all I would like to clear up any misunderstanding, this Pen Penny is not about how to make actual brain jelly. It discusses the fact that my brain sometimes turns to jelly, not literally obviously. However brain jelly is quite tasty, so in order to help out those who are disappointed, there is a recipe here. Now, back to the topic.

My brain has turned to jelly on numerous occasions. Okay, well most of the time it may or may not be somewhat jelly-like, but anyway. It often happens when working on this website. For instance when I do something monotonous like working on an image page for a lengthy period of time. You begin to question everything as your brain is first liquidated. Have I spelled “Asuka” right the past twenty times, it looks right? I go and check somewhere else and it is apparently spelled right. However, I am still suspicious. I type the same word over and over then delete it because each time I think I am spelling it wrong. The liquid brain starts to set. I begin to think everything I had worked on for the past hour is completely wrong. Or am I wrong? What’s that? I’m not crazy, what are you talking about. I yell at the computer screen, which is not at all strange except for the fact that I expect some sort of reply. It gives no response. At this point the brain is in a nice semi-solid, semi-liquid state (which is quite tasty).

The computer still doesn’t talk, so I take an axe and…okay, this Pen Penny has gone far enough. It seems to me that it is turning into a skewed repeat of “When Computers Attack.” It isn’t even that funny, I mean, taking a good tasting meal item like brain jelly to describe myself going insane (which I am not, despite the claims of numerous people as in: friends, relatives, associates, numerous “experts,” etc.). Okay, I may be a tad crazy, but not in a bad murderous rampage way. It is in a good focused-rage way. Which is totally different. I just realized I have wasted the time of all who haven’t stopped reading this (I count 2 people) with the proceeding paragraph. In fact, this paragraph seems to have been a complete waste also. I should probably stop now, since this Pen Penny is on the ground and has been kicked repeatedly in the head, rendering it unconscious and bleeding.

Well…it’s unconscious and doesn’t know what’s going on, why not kick it a few more times. Anyway, the point I was really trying to make earlier was that as you suffer when reading this stuff expecting it to be good and after it falls far below your expectations (it digs a tunnel) I suffer when I work on this website. In other words, the suffering is mutual, so you can quit complaining. Well, that’s if you consider going crazy for a short period of time suffering, actually I don’t really suffer too much, at least not as much as the people around me. Fine, maybe I don’t actually suffer, but it would have given us a common bond of suffering, which I could exploit at a later time and that would have been nice, wouldn’t it? Moving on. So let’s discuss the delicious taste of brain jelly. By your silence I take it you don’t mind (unless of course you are yelling at your screen not to, what kind of weirdo yells at their screen, hey, wait a minute). Brain jelly is the best jelly I have ever come across and it goes really good with anything. Perhaps I should market my own kind. What do you think of this as a jingle: “It’s a delicious treat, that’s hard to beat; so put some brain jelly, into your tummy.” I don’t know I think it may need some work plus a few extra lines would help. Maybe I could talk about the great nutritional value. Oh well, its probably not too feasible anyway considering the market for brains these days. It’d be mighty good jelly though. -6/24/02
