Pen Pen's Evangelion

A Pen Pen for your Thoughts

This section will just be for, basically random thoughts and feelings. Since my thought process is mostly random you can probably expect this to be updated frequently. Back to Previous Pennys. Back to Pen Penny.

Commercial Fun

Commercials. Some are funny, but the rest you pretty much hate. They use ploys and tricks to try and entrance you into getting one of their products. One in particular I saw discussed someone saving on insurance. His secret? Some company, but that's not the issue. They actually asked, "His secret?" They then answered the question by telling it to us. Then it's no longer a secret now is it? How can I trust these people if they can't even keep that guy's secret? They'll probably end up telling everyone about my own secrets, which would frighten people (looks in back at large mounds of dirt, each roughly the size of a human). I'd like to see a commercial where they don't give away secrets. Don't tell us anything, just set us up saying this guy has a secret and end. It may happen if some rich guy gets bored and just wants a laugh (I will demand a finder's fee). They always say you can't trust commercials because they lie, give skewed information, or even (obviously fake gasping sound) pay people that they supposedly find on the street. Well, maybe I'll trust commercials again if they don't tell everyone about all my secrets after I tell them. However, I am nearly certain they would at least inform the police (I believe it would be a crime if they didn't), who would inform the news, which would pretty much be telling everyone. Damn you commercials!

Old businesses dating back many years often try to sell the fact that they have been around for awhile. For instance, "you can trust us we've been around since 1956" was something I heard on a commercial of which they were selling I didn't really bother to remember because I wasn't interested in the first place. Wow, the audacity of these people who I don't remember is astounding. To think we would trust them just because they've been around since 1956. Maybe they've been lying to us since 1956, they could have. Just because they have stayed in business doesn't mean they never lied and we can trust them. Maybe they have stayed open that long due to the funding of illegal activities. Are they the same people who started up this "friendly" business in the first place? These criminals walk the streets, raping and stealing from others. Okay, they may not rape and steal but I see no reason to trust someone just because their business is old. They say prostitution is one of the oldest professions, does that mean I can trust them to deliver when I pay them…if I pay them…I mean, if I were to see them and conduct business. Can I trust a pimp? Would he take a check? How long could I keep asking questions before the reader tires and just stops altogether? What does this have to do with commercials?

It was recently announced that users of Tivo and Replay TV might have to pay extra because they can skip commercials. What greedy little people they are. Need proof, it says they might end up paying $250 extra. Take that to a year and it's three grand. Okay, you may have a point by saying that it's the networks that are doing this and not actually commercials. But if I were to look at this logically, then this wouldn't just be attacking commercials (in case you haven't figured it out, I'm attacking commercials with this). It wouldn't match or I'd be hard pressed to try to come up with extra things to make it longer. Is it our fault that most commercials are boring? No. Do I really care about users of Tivo and Replay TV? No, I don't have one, so why would I? Are networks not really being too greedy considering that commercials are where they get most of their income and without that revenue most would have to stop broadcasting? Maybe, but that's not the issue here. As long as there is TV there will be commercials and as long as there are places to sit there will be TV. Actually that isn't true. People could stand and watch TV. Will they? No. Will my writing style ever grow out of me writing and then answering my own questions? I wouldn't bet on it. -7/17/02
