Pen Pen's Evangelion

A Pen Pen for your Thoughts

This section will just be for, basically random thoughts and feelings. Since my thought process is mostly random you can probably expect this to be updated frequently. Back to Previous Pennys. Back to Pen Penny.

When Computers Attack

For quite a while my computer has disliked me. I believe it was when I disturbed its rest lying in a box that it then plotted to exact revenge. My computer has always acted up, and messed up, but now that I am going to get a new computer soon, its assaults have been increased. You may say, user error, but no, it started it all by itself. I am the victim. The first real trouble I had with my computer started a few months after I first hooked it up. It turned yellow. Not in a cowardly way or a ha-ha funny yellow way, but in a bad and diabolical way. The monitor did not turn completely yellow, just tinted. Enough so that it was fairly noticeable and very annoying. I believe it planned to slowly destroy me with the color, but I laughed at it thinking I could stand it for a few hours and everything would be okay. Although I didn’t laugh audibly the computer must have known what I was thinking, and it strengthened its resolve. It stayed yellow for about a year. Oh, occasionally there was a flash back to it’s normal self for a second. This was all part of its plan, for it was teasing me and laughing at me. I was reminded of this every time I sat down at the computer, its relentless taunting left me angry. Finally, I was too angry and tired with the computer and gave it a small smack on the side. Instantly, the computer was normal. Victory, I thought, its color tinting days are over. Nothing could faze me, until I became angry again. At this point I was not sure if it was all part of a plan. The bright white radiating from the screen, after a long time of dim yellow, hurt your eyes to an enormous degree causing pain and strain that eyeballs should not endure. Afterwards it seems my computer made some sort of pact with AOL. Generating tremendous problems and annoyances. These problems have endured to this day. At first the problem was just with logging onto AOL. It will sometimes take fifteen minutes to get online, others it will log on immediately. At some points, it decides I have been online long enough and “helpfully” signs off for me. Except for the fact I was seconds away from finishing a lengthy download or was just about to save html for this website, I would have thanked it. Now, it will sometimes refuse to sign me off, which means it must have some way of telling exactly what I don’t want to do and then acting upon it. Some of you “computer experts” will say to simply press Ctrl + Alt + Delete and end AOL that way, effectively signing me off. Wrong, Mr. Know-it-all! This will only strengthen it, making the screen turn black and it will end up not closing it at all. It stays online and after the screen turns back to normal it is online and still refusing to sign me off. Just yesterday, a little green box appeared in the middle of the screen, for no reason! And it stayed there taunting me and laughing. It mocks me so, that little box of death! I try to get rid of it to no avail. Then, as quickly as it had appeared, it left, leaving me frustrated and fearful that it will come back. The final battle has begun! At this point I would not be surprised if the day before I unplugged the computer and cast it aside that it would explode in my face, in a last attempt to get revenge for me waking its slumber. It must know that its end is near. Oh, how gloriously that will be. On the next computer I will try to get off on the right foot, offering it snacks and politely giving it commands. Maybe it will be nice to me, maybe… -4/24/02
