Pen Pen's Evangelion

A Pen Pen for your Thoughts

This section will just be for, basically random thoughts and feelings. Since my thought process is mostly random you can probably expect this to be updated frequently. Back to Previous Pennys. Back to Pen Penny.

Complaints and Complainers

Everyone has to make sacrifices. After all I make sacrifices for being Webmaster, I sacrifice having any sort of life (okay, I may have not had much of one to begin with). I also sacrifice other lives in fun happy rituals (not virgin-specific). Apparently some think that I do not sacrifice enough lives, and considering how many, well that's quite shocking. Someone recently told me they would complain on my site talking about lack of updates, specifically to this section. Well I say (shakes fist, okay that's not really saying anything). Sure I've received some complaints in the past like: you should update more, get away from me, and quit stalking me. People complain about everything (I wasn't exactly stalking, just observing, from a distance, really, it wasn't even 24 hours a day).

In reality complaints can be expected whenever someone does anything (particularly something as bad as this site). Maybe I should make a page for complaints and then hire someone to track the individuals down to "discuss" any problems they have with my site. Of course that would be a hassle, it's not that I don't enjoy "meeting" the visitors of the site. It is actually quite refreshing and entertaining. The whole business of locating, tracking, and ruining lives costs a pretty penny though (penny, get it). I just don't have the money to do that, currently. Also with all of the complaints that would undoubtedly be put up, (not like there's too much to complain about, only a fair amount) it would take too long. Maybe if I didn't do so many sacrifices (believe it or not sacrifices take up quite a bit of time). I'd probably end up having to apologize to just about everybody if I put a page up anyways.

Sure, maybe I've offended one, two, or six billion people (give or take a few) at one point or another, but that's beside the point. If everyone wanted to complain to me about something they'd have to right it in English or simple German and a good amount of people can't so there goes a good amount of the complaints. Then there are those who wouldn't waste their time complaining to me because they feel my being a "psychopath" invalidates everything I say, there goes some more. A few here and there would be mysteriously "silenced" by… certain accidents (don't look at me, I have minions for that). That only leaves a few thousand. Considering the quality of this site, that isn't too bad. I could just apologize but no one would think it's sincere because there won't be much of a dramatic change in this site afterwards. Still an apology would probably satisfy a few hundred of the thousands of complainers-in-wait. I would say, "I'm sorry" now but I've already typed, "I'm sorry" twice at this point and I don't really feel like typing it again. Let's try something different, "I'm not quite sorry yet." That's better. -8/9/02
