Pen Pen's Evangelion

A Pen Pen for your Thoughts

This section will just be for, basically random thoughts and feelings. Since my thought process is mostly random you can probably expect this to be updated frequently. Back to Previous Pennys. Back to Pen Penny.

Useless Criticism

As you all know it is a well-known fact that I do indeed rule. However, when I proclaim the fact that I rule to others it is often met with comments about the movie American Beauty. After saying, "I rule" I have heard people ask if I liked the movie or tell me not to get them started on that movie. Why can't I just rule? I rule, period, this has nothing to do with a movie. When I tell them this they say I took the phrase from the movie. No, I did not. I never saw the movie and have no desire to. Did the phrase 'I rule' not exist before the movie? I am quite certain it did since I have told the low mongrels for many a year that I rule. Why must these infidels question me? These commoners often question and criticize me fruitlessly and without purpose. If the phrase I said was 'may the force be with you' it could probably be associated with Star Wars considering the whole concept of the force is copyrighted to the powerful and knowledgeable George Lucas. However, saying 'I rule' should not be associated with any movie (unless of course George Lucas wishes it so).

People sometimes say I spend too much time on the computer. Truthfully this is completely and utterly false I am never actually on it. I merely sit beside it and use it for different and (of course) great purposes. Even if they were to say I always sit beside the computer and use it for different purposes they would still be in error. When I sleep I do not engage the computer in any way, not even for a headrest. Other things I do are also criticized. Someone once said to me I plot too much. After recovering from the shock that someone had seen my plotting I quickly took care of the problem. I didn't stop plotting but I can say quite certainly he will not be criticizing anyone soon (laughs in a most evil and frightening manner). Immediately afterwards someone told me I should stop attacking and "silencing" people. I had no real defense against this statement because it could true. I don't know how often would be considered normal. Needless to say that fellow had to be placed in the category as well. It's not like I particularly enjoy that sort of thing (okay, occasionally).

Don't think that the criticism ends there either. I am often criticized about the Pen Penny section (I know I've said this before… only about fifty times). People think that they used to just have opinions and that now I always talk about "silencing" or "sacrificing" people. They talk about things like how in the last paragraph I used parenthesis at one point for a laugh, which is an audible sound, and another time for an additional thought, which is not audible (I'm glad that I got to clear up the whole which is or isn't audible thing, I'm sure that confused a lot of you). And insults too! (did that seem out of place) Even after this has been immediately put up and no one has or will ever read it there will be complaints and criticism that it is somewhat similar to the one that was just put up called: Complaints and Complainers, about… complaints. Well, considering the fact that complaints and criticism are a little different, it isn't exactly the same, so there. -8/13/02
