Pen Pen's Evangelion

A Pen Pen for your Thoughts

This section will just be for, basically random thoughts and feelings. Since my thought process is mostly random you can probably expect this to be updated frequently. Back to Previous Pennys. Back to Pen Penny.

Saving Daylight

Why do we need to save daylight? Is it in any sort of danger? I think not. Unfortunately, the rest of the world seems to think otherwise. Is daylight endangered? If so, then did we do it, or is it natural? It is remembered which way to move time by "spring forward, fall back." I don't like to "fall back" in any situation, yet here I am forced by the rest of society to "fall back." Who makes society my boss? Then they want me to "spring forward," into what might I ask? Am I springing forward into some type of ambush society has set for me? I'd like to hope not. What is the purpose of all of this? Are people so afraid of the dark they need to change all of time accordingly? I think people just want to feel they have control over time. The resulting confusion afterwards is enough to give it the old "heave-ho." Everyone has to re-set all their clocks, except for the ones that say they do it automatically. If you set them a few hours before you go to bed you really don't know what time it is. Then, the next day some of the clocks that said they would change automatically did not. Others changed automatically in addition to the change you made. The end result? You are spread across at least three different hours. Needless to say, this gets confusing. Which ones are right and which ones aren't? I also lose an hour of my life to nothingness. Sure, you could say that I'll get it back in fall. I say screw fall. Who wants to wait till fall to get my hour back? What does society think it is, dictator of time? To give and take my hours as they please. How can I get that position? What if I get about one hundred people to just ignore society's wishes? Eventually it would even out. You may be thinking you just said you didn't want to wait till fall for something. My response to my own insightful question? This is a completely different matter. Many, well Arizona and Hawaii, have already cast off the chains of daylight savings time. Yet, they are seen as outcasts. Will others eventually follow in the footsteps of these states? Maybe. Anyways, I could just not do it and think of everyone else as an hour off. Why not? It would become to confusing with schedules and TV. What if you meet someone else doing the same thing, but are too insensitive to adjust themselves to others. Final judgment, I don't like saving daylight. If it is dying, it isn't our fault. If anything we're trying to help it, destroying the ozone and all. This lets more light in, right? This light is harmful to us though. So, shouldn't we be trying to defeat light and not save it? At least try to defeat part of it. I like night, can I initiate a Moon Light Savings Time, or a Night Savings Time. Either would do. Well, I don't know about you but I am going to start calling my hundred people. -4/7/02
