Pen Pen's Evangelion

A Pen Pen for your Thoughts

This section will just be for, basically random thoughts and feelings. Since my thought process is mostly random you can probably expect this to be updated frequently. Back to Previous Pennys. Back to Pen Penny.

Death and Rebirth

Victory is mine. I have outlived my greatest opponent! And I shall drink in the sweet, succulent taste and splendor of a momentous and spectacular victory, sort of. You see, after plaguing me for years and constantly harassing me again and again, my computer has died. It has kicked the bucket, checked out of the hotel, left the stove on and isn’t coming back, been silenced, exterminated, hung until dead, ceased to have life functioning things, no longer is in the realm of working machinery, been turned to junk, ended manual operations, departed this earthly plain, entered into an endless sleep, is one with the force, turned into a paperweight, and is very much deceased. Now, normally I’d be overjoyed with to no end at this unprecedented victory over the evil maniacal piece of machinery. However, it sort of left me without notice. What does that mean? It took all my stuff with it!

Now, since I know all of you are undoubtedly selfishly oriented, the more valuable question for you is; what does that got to do with me (‘me,’ as in you)? Well, nothing really. Once you get down to it, you don’t really care. What with your semi-new computers with working parts and efficient programs. It may have had a larger affect on me (’me’ as in me) and possibly you (the few unselfish) had I not quickly gotten a replacement to borrow and use for the time being. Not that you care about me (you selfish people), it’s people like you that make the voices in my (‘my,’ as in sort of me but also not quite me) head upset.

However, despite my opponent’s demise, and my glorious victory in this battle, the war is still far from won. My computer’s untimely death is somewhat unfortunate because of the many documents I was in the middle of making. There is a simple solution to end these woes of lost things and recover the items. However, the cost is great. It would require my foe be resurrected and repaired. Stronger, faster it would be a nearly unstoppable enemy. It is risky, reviving such evil intentionally and with full knowledge of its power. This current situation could be the only chance of me being rid of such a thing. Woe, woe, and woe again (woe). Such is my fate to be cast in the same dark pit as before, in an inescapable nightmare of errors and restarts that is eternal.

Perhaps this was all part of it’s calculated plan. The computer I am using now is not mine, and is a thousand times better. The errors; few, the programs; run, the websites; load, the screen; plasma. All is smooth and creamy in the world of this computer console. It is like a bright light descending unto me from above, bringing forth quick downloads and high-speed gaming. Like a beacon in the dark recesses of the pit I have been cast into, it calls to me. And when the computer is repaired, the great one shall leave me, in more despair than ever. I shall be cast back to the pit where the evil machinations of the diabolical machine will reign over all. I may have won a battle, but the war has yet to conclude. -11/9/03
