Pen Pen's Evangelion

A Pen Pen for your Thoughts

This section will just be for, basically random thoughts and feelings. Since my thought process is mostly random you can probably expect this to be updated frequently. Back to Previous Pennys. Back to Pen Penny.

Dessert Museum

When you think of the world's greatest and most prestigious museums, some names pop into mind: the Smithsonian, the Louvre, and the Jell-O Museum. The Jell-O Museum located in the great city of LeRoy, New York has been astounding visitors for some amount of time.

Unfortunately, before all of you head off to LeRoy, as we all know you're already packing. The museum will be closed for renovations until April 1st. It is such a sad waste, all the millions of people who won't learn of the delightful history of Jell-O. Such is the cost of being such a museum of popularity and national pride.

After all, small unpopular museums wouldn't have their floors worn down by such a large magnitude of visitors. They don't need have floor refurbishment work done because the floor wears down after the millions walk upon it reveling in gelatin delights.

But thankfully, the gift shop is open. They have shirts, visors, afghans, tote bags, brain molds, and clocks. They also have two, that's right two cookbooks devoted entirely to Jell-O. But wait! There's also a squirrel plush with a small bag that says "I'm nuts for Jell-O!" This hilarious item is among others in the store.

Be sure to check out the website too at It has "Historic Jell-O Recipes." Did you know that Jell-O started the Spanish American War? And Jell-O is the only food gelatin to receive a medal? It's not true but wouldn't that be historic!

The website also had a Jell-O pictures section. Much to my disappointment there are no pictures of the gelatin dessert. There are just some people making a Jell-O float for some parade.

It seems almost cruel to promise me pictures of gelatin desserts and then put pictures of people in front of me. It's probably some ingenious plot by the advertisers to get me to crave seeing more pictures of gelatin desserts and force me to come to the museum.

You can also read a brief history of Jell-O on the website too! It even has puns! Look: "Suffice it to say, it never did "jell" with the American public." Oh the hilarity. There is also fun trivia! Can all this great stuff possibly be on any website other than my own? It seems impossible, but true.

Look at this fun fact. "March 17, 1993, technicians at St. Jerome hospital in Batavia test a bowl of lime Jell-O with an EEG machine and confirm the earlier testing by Dr. Adrian Upton that a bowl of wiggly Jell-O has brain waves identical to those of adult men and women." Wow isn't that amaz… identical to adult men and women?

What kind of person tests Jell-O for having brain waves anyway? But more importantly, what kind of monstrosity have we created? That delicious gelatin dessert over there is alive! The Jell-O is after us, except for Raspberry, which is leading the resistance. Consume all Jell-O in sight. We must not let these gelatin upstarts get a foot in the door. We must stop them before they try anything. The next you see Jell-O be certain to eye that gelatin carefully, because you never know when they'll strike. -2/14/03
