Pen Pen's Evangelion

A Pen Pen for your Thoughts

This section will just be for, basically random thoughts and feelings. Since my thought process is mostly random you can probably expect this to be updated frequently. Back to Previous Pennys. Back to Pen Penny.

Dial Tone

A phone rings. I decide to answer it, because I'm just that kind of guy, who answers phones.

Me: Hello?

Voice: Hello, Stu Pidasso.

Me: That's not my name.

Voice: I know. It's a joke, get it?

Me: No, not really.

Voice: … Nevermind. I do know your name and have called to talk to you about something important.

Me: And to whom am I speaking?

Voice: You do not need to know my name.

Me: Can I call you Chuck?

Chuck: No.

Me: So what's so important… Chuck?

Chuck: It has to do with the way you've been handling your life. You have done certain things that are less than admirable haven't you?

Me: I'm sorry you must have me confused with someone else, do you want me to find this… Pidasso was it?

Chuck: I know who you are, I truly…

Chuck says something.

Me: Liar.

Chuck shoots me I slowly fall back and… okay maybe not (when did we establish he had a gun anyway?).

Chuck: What were you just mumbling about?

Me: Nothing.

Chuck: By the way, I have a gun.

Me: Really? What kind?

Chuck: A Magnum rifle with a scope.

Me: Really? What are the specifics?

Chuck: I don't know.

Me: Let me guess. You bought the gun based on a certain movie.

Chuck: …No.

Me: Then why'd you buy it if you knew nothing about it?

Chuck: A friend recommended it to me.

Me: And what was this friend's name?

Chuck: It was… Harry. Listen, I'm the one whose pointing a gun at you, so I get to decide the topic of conversation.

Me: You don't even know a Harry do you?

Chuck: Yes I do. And be quiet.

Me: …

Chuck: Now, do you know why I have a gun pointed at you?

Me: …

Chuck: … Hello?

Me: …

Chuck: C-can you hear me? I see you're still at the phone, so could you respond? Feedback is important when you're making threats.

Me: You told me to be quiet though.

Chuck: You can talk now.

Me: Okay then, and no.

Chuck: No, what? No, you aren't going to talk or no, you don't know about the whole gun thing?

Me: The gun thingy.

Chuck: You should know I am aware of what you've done.

Me: What are you talking about?

Chuck: Who's the liar now?

Me: I never called you a liar, that didn't happen remember?

Chuck: Oh yeah. Nevermind, but you're still a liar.

Me: And how do you know this?

Chuck: I've followed you around and have been watching you.

Me: This isn't some kind of perverted sexual thing, is it?

Chuck: No! Is it coming off that way or-

Me: No, no, it's just the whole following thing is kind of weird.

Chuck: Oh okay, but it's definitely not that type of thing. I just don't really have a whole lot to do in my little apartment so I sort of follow people around, as a hobby if you will.

Me: Well, I understand that.

Chuck: Thanks, but I'm still pointing the gun at you.

Me: Oh yeah. Why are you doing that, by the way?

Chuck: If you don't know maybe you're not ready to know yet.

Me: Okay, fine I may or may not have butchered some people like pigs.

Chuck: What?!

Me: And I may have eaten them, just a bit though. With some nice sauce, it's actually quite tasty.

Chuck: I only noticed that you forgot your blinker once and jaywalked the other day.

Me: Oh… I mean, gotcha!

Chuck: You're crazy. What kind of person would do that? I'm afraid I'm going to have to shoot you.

Me: Why?

Chuck: Why do you think?

Me: Forgetting my blinker one time isn't bad.

Chuck: You did sort of kill people.

Me: And eat them.

Chuck: Yes, and eat them. I thought you said you were joking anyways.

Me: So? Is this going to end some time or what?

Chuck: Yeah, I'm getting sort of tired of looking through this scope anyway. It's a real pain.

I hear a gunshot.

Me: He must have shot himself, that was rather anticlimactic. Guess he just couldn't take it.

I walk off. But is Chuck really dead? Find out in: Dial Tone 2: Electric Boogaloo (actual finding out of anything if sequel is actually created not guaranteed)! - 4/5/03
