Pen Pen's Evangelion

A Pen Pen for your Thoughts

This section will just be for, basically random thoughts and feelings. Since my thought process is mostly random you can probably expect this to be updated frequently. Back to Previous Pennys. Back to Pen Penny.

Every Dog Has His Day

By now you may have heard about the case where a couple was convicted of manslaughter in the second degree after their dogs killed a neighbor in an apartment building. There are many deaths every year related to dog attacks. This is the first conviction of the owners. The question posed is, if the owners can be held liable for a pet's actions. The dog, as usually happens, was put to sleep (the soft way of saying killed). This verdict could pose a revolution on our already cluttered court rooms. With many stupid suits, people get money even though they don't deserve it. Now the revolution has started. Just wait. We will see it. Thousands of postal workers getting rich off of multiple dogs' battery. They are bitten, they sue, they buy a condo in Florida and retire. A result, shortage of postal workers. This will only add to their resolve, they may demand hazard pay because of "pet dangers" and threat of anthrax infection. If bites from a dog becomes battery, then would a dog sniffing someone's crouch become sexual harassment? If a someone's pet bird flies over me and it's excrement lands on my shoulder, can I have the owners sued for participating in germ warfare and terrorism? Would they face a military tribunal? Does the same go with a neighbor dog laying it’s waste in my lawn? What about cats, they scratch thousands every year. Does this apply to all animals or just pets? If a poisonous spider bites me, can I sue the state for the spider’s actions? Or for the state not looking after this spider problem? I am not trying to insult the family or take away the severity of the issue, but I am only trying to point out that this could easily get out of hand. Some will say they deserve it punishment, others that animals are untamable and cannot be controlled. Either way, the postal workers profit. –4/4/02
