Pen Pen's Evangelion

A Pen Pen for your Thoughts

This section will just be for, basically random thoughts and feelings. Since my thought process is mostly random you can probably expect this to be updated frequently. Back to Previous Pennys. Back to Pen Penny.

E.T.: The Advertising Terrestrial

Twenty years ago “E.T.” was released and touched the hearts of millions. Recently, the little brown alien returned to theaters, but this time he sold out. From Chevy to Hershey’s to Toys ‘R’ Us, this little alien cashed in big. Not only has this little money-grubber sold out the movie has been edited for “content.” Oh, no we must digitally remove all guns and mentions of the word “terrorist” because it might upset people. I thought we were supposed to have recovered as a nation, but we can’t say “terrorist” in movies. Of course, if you turn it to a news network for half an hour you will hear it at least twenty times. Although I don’t really like the movie and don’t remember what happens, this sickens me. Don’t forget merchandise. With it’s theatrical re-release comes thousands of toys and whatnot of E.T. Although some is fine, a line has been crossed. I expect to see E.T. the cereal at some point, or worse the video game (would he die if you lost?). Although these events do opens up new choices for movie publicity. Fictional characters can now be spokespersons for products. It makes perfect sense. Characters from films are more recognizable than most current spokespersons. E.T. may even clear the way for Alf to have a more prominent role in the 10-10 commercials. Who knows he could replace Terry Bradshaw. Although it comes at a price, seeing E.T. advertise for all he’s worth causes me to lose all (not that there was much to begin with) respect for the little invader. It has hurt E.T.’s credibility as an actor and alien. I no longer feel compelled to listen to the gibberish that he is saying. Is this really the place for such a distinguished actor? E.T. should not be reduced to commercials. If his career continues down this road, I’ll expect to see him listed to appearing at small comic conventions. Of course a sequel wouldn’t help. Here’s a possible plot: E.T. returns home, but forgot his wallet. After landing, his buddies run off thinking it’s a funny prank. Or: E.T. pissed off at his treatment returns with an army to conquer humans. Only Will Smith and Jeff Goldblum stand in his way. It’s obvious that with lack of material for a sequel, E.T. is doomed to commercials. Of course, a sitcom is possible. Check your local FOX network, you never know. –3/25/02
