Pen Pen's Evangelion

A Pen Pen for your Thoughts

This section will just be for, basically random thoughts and feelings. Since my thought process is mostly random you can probably expect this to be updated frequently. Back to Previous Pennys. Back to Pen Penny.

Failed Writings: Part 3: Tapping the Youth Market

Some things I tried to write today:

Stories About Things, Yo

Attempt 1: The 'g dawg' approached his 'homie,' whereupon they struck up a conversation about the current fluctuations of the Euro. After much debate upon they subject, they agreed that the "Euro's mama" was indeed, quite obese. The comment led to a short break in the conversation where there was laughter and merriment due to the mother of the currency's obesity. The two departed on good terms after conducting a ceremonial handshake.

Attempt 2: The Detective suspected that the killer was striking at random without motivation. If such a situation occurred, the suspect would be nearly impossible to pinpoint. After stopping to listen to a concert and participating in a large gathering of pushing and shoving in a "pit" area, he continued on to the crime scene. After getting there, he read the blood on the wall. It said: fo' shizzle.

Attempt 3: The two ensued into a card game, which would oddly decide who lived and who died. The game was tense, and our hero was losing. The situation was dire until he called upon reinforcements in the way of English wizard and witch apprentices. Upon his call, they attacked the villain with "Homie" figurines (collect them all), until the fiend was buried up to his head in the plastic weapons of war.

Attempt 4: "Fo' ril?" inquired the first man. "Fo' ril," the second man responded. "Naw, you are indeed tripping," said the first man. The second man said, "do not be disrespecting me, I am not tripping…fool." "If you refer to me by that name once again, I will be invariably forced to mess you and your 'mama' up," replied the first man. "It is now on," said the second man as he stood up. The two began to engage in combat, while a third man approaching pointed and laughed, thus uniting the two together once again, as they 'messed him up.'

Attempt 5: As the two opposing sides, one sort of good, the other kind of evil battled they defied all sense of gravity, physics, and taste in their attacks. However, their defenses were very much attached to physics and gravity (not so much taste) leaving massive losses for both sides. The forces of kind of good, must journey to Silicon Valley, only there can the evil dwelling inside of the PC be destroyed. Their journey would be full of hardship and other things kind of like hardship, but not quite so hard. In the end, the evil must be dealt with before the other machines rise up.

Attempt 6: In an attempt to keep it real and keep up with popular opinion, admittance into 'progressive' universities changed the style in which they allowed students to enter. The students applying for admittance must be voted in after being reviewed by a board of no-name actors and models. In order to obtain scholarships, one must be awarded one of the top prizes in the singing division, in which the performance by the winner(s) will be sold, and the profit made after paying off a panel will be given to the student as a scholarship. If the money exceeds the amount needed for the scholarship, extra money will be thrown into an arena in which the applicants that were denied scholarships can grab for the money in combat with one another.

Attempt 7: The man who wasn't hip, was an odd fellow. Wearing his pants on his waist and listening to music so that it could only be heard in near proximity. He did not speed to travel places or refer to people's mothers in negative ways. The hip people, and the people who wanted to be hip did not like this. So, the people of Hipsville subjected the man to blaring music and slang terms for days upon days. After which, he emerged a very angry unhip person and set fire to the town. All the hip inhabitants were killed, as when they were running away, they had to stop and pick up their pants.

Attempt 8: The old man looked curiously at the foreign words scribed down upon the parchment he had received by way of post. By the pictographs accompanying the foreign text, he could determine that it was for a gathering of a local entertainment group. There would be refreshments and dancing, along with soothing music throughout the evening. Such was the reason the old man was found quite dead, after having his ear drums burst, after having consumed large quantities of alcohol and having both his arms and hips broken during the "dancing." When asked for comment, the organizer of the event said, "Fo' ril?" -9/28/03
