Pen Pen's Evangelion

A Pen Pen for your Thoughts

This section will just be for, basically random thoughts and feelings. Since my thought process is mostly random you can probably expect this to be updated frequently. Back to Previous Pennys. Back to Pen Penny.

Failed Writings: Part 4: Literature About Computers

Some things I tried to write today:

Stories and Poems About Computers

Attempt 1: Take a bite
Of a megabyte
It tastes like copper

Attempt 2: In one corner we have the leader of ineptitude, the lord of the error and the king of random unnecessary restarts… a computer! In our second corner we have a webmaster still sniveling and cowering from the last round. This bout has been long and drawn out, with the webmaster taking a savage beating never before heard of in both severity and length. Actually, he’s quite unconscious but that won’t stop the computer from kicking him while he’s down. Again, and again, it sure makes for an interesting display.

Attempt 3: In Silicon Valley, there are roaming beaches
There is no place beyond the Gates’ reaches
Zombies there are plentiful and old
Or at least that’s what I’m told
I’ve never been to Silicon Valley
and I don’t know how their beaches can possibly roam

Attempt 4: To delete or not to delete, whether tis nobler in the circuitry to suffer the errors and viruses against a web page of troubles, and by opposing end them, to shut off, to restart, no more and by a restart to say we, reload the windows and the thousand natural errors it is heir to, to shut off, to restart, ay for in that sleep of being shut off, what happens to the electronic brain when it is shed of it’s power coil, must make us pause, that makes warranty of so long life: who would bear the errors and viruses, the hacker’s infiltration, the company’s spam, the nefarious pop up ads, the download’s delay, and the evil that spy ware make of the incautious when he himself might his quietus make with a bare button…

Attempt 5: The drums of war were beating,
And the computer processor light blinking,
The conflict came to a head on a sunny afternoon,
The computer’s fan humming
The man’s brow sweating.
Silicon will against fleshy will
The battle was begun and after many hardships won
The man was finally able to print papers again.

Attempt 6: The Baron Gates plotted endlessly while observing the dunes of Silicon Valley. He had usurped the Apple Duke through his Windows conglomerate. He was as unstoppable as he was nerdy. His blue eyes glowering in his victory. The Apple forces were all but destroyed and the remnants were hardly worth the effort he was exerting to destroy them. But destroy them he must, for his victory now ensured continued victory for generations, also he had read books where similar things had happened and then ‘whoops’ didn’t kill that guy when the overlord had the chance and it usually doesn’t end well when that happens. After all, books are neat like that.

Attempt 7: To my dearest computer:
You are everything to me, my mass of circuitry.
Why must you shun me so? With your system error,
you shut off the Windows XP to my heart.
My RAM is filled with thoughts of you,
My CD-ROM spinning with delight
At your very thought. Yet all is for naught.
You have placed our good times in your Recycle Bin,
What made you hate me to no end?
My love letters fail to be recovered when you restart,
Your love is not formatted correctly or is already in use. - 2/29/04
(I actually submitted this attempt as part of a scholarship, imagine that)
